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Simon is a character from Final Destination - Deadly Days.He was survivor of the bus accident in Florida and boyfriend of one of Laura's best friends.

He is the fifth survivor to die.


He was a student at Laura's school.He cheats on his girlfriend and hated nerds. That's why he bullies Colin Peters.He was a show which is why he often argued with Jason Daniels.

Deadly Days[]

In Laura's premotion he was killed when a little pillar goes under his chest and teared it away.

When Laura freaked out and ran out the bus,he followed Jason because he wanted everybody pays attention to him.

After Ashlynn and Colin's deaths he visited a pool but under water his leg stucked in a pipe,but Jason and Hektor saved his life and he was sent inta a hospital because his leg was broken.


Later at home he wanted to take a bath.But before went in the tub Laura ringed the door bell to warn him about death's plan again.But when he wanted to go to the door he slipped and his back met the edge of the tube broking the back.Bewhile Laura,Cecile and Melanie broke off the doors to his bath room , he was cooked in the hot bathwater.When the three girls arrived at the bath room he was still death.


-On his picture he's shirtless , he died nearly shirtless and later he died really shirtless.

-Into the radio the song Something in the water was played.He died in water.

-The radio fell down and broke in the middle.Just like his back.