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Franceska is a character from Final Destination - Deadly Days.She was survivor of the bus accident in Florida and Laura's teacher.

She is the sixth survivor to die.


She was teacher at Laura's school.She was often seen with her mobile phone.When her husband died she felt into deep deprission , but half a year before she came back.She was from Colin Peters very annoyied.

Some time ago her husband was killed ,when he replaced Eugene Dix ,by a student who failed his exam.

Deadly Days[]

In Laura's promotion a little pillar broke her neck.

When Laura freaks out and left the bus ,Mrs.Hughes and Mr.Lane were arguing who accompanies them.They decided for her.So she followed Laura and noticed the accident when Mr.Lane told her that the bus had an accident and the connection interrupted.

Bewhile Jason and Laura saved Simon , Cecile and Hektor run to Mrs.Hughes and stoped her shortly befor she was hitten by a bus.Ironically she was nearly to Hektor when he was crashed by a train.


When Laura called her to tell her about Simon's death ,she went out of her car to became crazy.While Jason tried to calm her, a bus closed the car door which cut her in 5 pieces (her body,her feeds,her arm and her head are cut off).


-She always phoned . Shortly before she died , she phoned with Laura.

-The bus had the number 081.

-On her picture she phoned and behind her is a bus which looks like the bus killed her.

-She cames back a half year (6 month) ago.She is the sixth survivor to die.

-To cheer up Jason,she turned the radio on and the song "I've cut my wife in pieces" was played.


-Her husband is the teacher who was killed by a student when he replaced Eugene Dix.

-Just like Nora Carpenter she didn't care about whether she died or not, deciding to accept her fate if she were to die. Right before she died ,she shouted "I don't wanna die!"