Ashlynn is a character from Final Destination - Deadly Days.She was survivor of the bus accident in Florida and one of Laura's best friends.
She is the first survivor to die.
She was a student at Laura's school.She really fell in love with her boyfriend Simon , unknew that he deceived her.She smoked a lot.
Deadly Days[]
In Laura's premotion her head was crushed by a little pillar.
She decided to invite Cecile for a shopping spree to cheer her up,but she died on the spree.
On the shopping trip she smoked as always. When they saw the security guard who said that they're flying out of the mall, when he again caught smoking.So she threw her cigarette into a storage room, which was filled with gas bottles. When she in an a dressing room, the gas bottle exploded because of the cigarette. With the explosion was a coat rack and Ashlynn was overturned by this locked in her dressing room now burning, in which they burned alive.
-Simon said "You're so hot ... you burn already."
-On her picture she smoked and she pressed a cigarette out on her clothing.
-She's called Ashlynn and she burned to ash.
Ashlyn Halperin shared her name with her,both of them burned to death.