Final Destination Wiki

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Final Destination Wiki
Final Destination Wiki

A few months ago, I have recently saw the page that caught my attention on doing. Because Final Destination: Wipeout was the one. And because TheResidentEvil was telling me not to make any plagiarisms every time. Because, I swear that I was only looking at the page and not making it. First, I harassed him on Twitter and second he blocked me because of what I've done regarding my wrongdoings. I've been doing so hard and all the recent months I have no choice of doing it.

So I have already decided that I will lose the Wipeout I was working with, move on to different stuff, and make good deeds all the time. This means that I will never harass him again as long as I have to say sorry. 🙇‍♂️ So, TheResidentEvil, will you please forgive me?

Edit 1: I just wanted to have a personal reminder that I can no longer have a conversation with TRE. The reason for this is because he can no longer accept my apology after what I've done a long time ago. I'd noticed something on Unknown43's wall on Community as he puts screenshots of my messages saying about my "continued harassment", which I had nothing to do with. What I've talked about is that I was only talking about reprinting, not plagiarizing for financial gain. In fact, I was so worried is that he always hated me every time I talked to him with no certain apology. And my apology post on Twitter didn't even work at all because he was talking about "tagging". I just don't know what to do about it this time.