i love the final destination movies so much, i don't know why i love them so much but i think it's between the actual plots of the movies and how original and creative the storylines are and how the casting for each movie is so perfect and i couldn't imagine any other actor replacing them for the characters. i've lost count of how much times i've watched each movie because i can't get enough of them, it's kind of dramatic saying this but each movie has it's own ways that i just love so much and means a lot to me. they have truly made me feel better about a lot of things, a lot of people say that the movies are anxiety inducing and when i first watched them i could agree with that but now in a way they calm me down. so i guess this post is kind of a thank u to the series because i don't really know where else i could say this as i feel no one could understand my love and passion for these 5 movies :) <3