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I became a good girl guys. Understand this.

Sarah to Lee and Hailey at the restaurant.

Sarah Winn is a main character in Final Destination:Death’s Books and is a survivor of Ragnolk Ship explosion.

Sarah was the third survivor to die of Ragnolk.


Sarah lived in Brooklyn,New York and attended in Brooklyn High School. She was extremely snobbish,mean and buffoon and was the girlfriend of Larry Burr.But She was very mean to others,especially Lee,Hailey,Danny and most,Josh.

Final Destination:Death’s Books []

Sarah was first seen when Lee came to Ship with Larry and Bob. Later Sarah found Lee,Hailey,Dean,Pam and Danny at the same table,begin to mock them.When Lee suddenly saw a premonition that Ragnolk will explode and everyone will die,Sarah kicked off the ship by captain. Moments later ship explodes just as Lee predicted and Sarah cries for Larry.

Later Sarah attended to Larry and Bob’s funeral,and came to a coffee shop to meet with others.When Pam and Dean came Pam died when a motor hood impaled her.After her death,Sarah becomes a kind person to everyone except Josh and she made sad Dean more happy.Later they went to Lee’s home and Lee told others everything about Death’s List.Same night Sarah,along with Lee and Hailey went to a restaurant.