Emma’s death
Emma's last words[]
Emma Monroy is a main character in Final Destintaion:Lab Thing and is a survivor of McKinley Highschool Lab accidents. Emma got long blonde hair and brown eyes. She was a good friend of Samantha and Julia. Her school was McKinley Highschool. On 28 May 2018,when Jonathan saw a premontion about schools lab,she go out with Julia,Sam,Diana and Zino. 3 Days later after the accidents,she go to Zino's funeral at morning. After funeral finished she go to the optician that Jonathan,Hakanow and Samantha is resting and talking about Death's List. Then Jonathan saw a vision about her death but Emma didn't understand anything. At the moment a gardener in a garden that is front of the optician bumped to a pebble that Hakanow had throw away. Pebble jumped to Emma and dropped her glasses and fall to opticians shelf,with crushing the glass. Emma was the second survivor to die.
Hakanow and Samantha approciated Emma. Emma was vey happy because she didn't died. Then Jonathan thought list was finished because Emma didn't died. Then the shelf fall to ground because of pebbles weight and glass particles fly out to Emma's eyes and kill her.
Signs/Clues []
1.Emma got glasses,ironically her death was made up on her eyes. This means she must wear her glasses always. 2.Jonathan had a vision about a pebble,glasses and glass particles. 3.Emma was very happy when pebble broke her glasses. But glass was broken too. She said 'Only my glasses.
Probably Emma's death is the most disgusting death in the book. Her death is similar to Lewis Romero and Andy Kewzer. Like them,she firstly thought she was saved.