Record Holders of the Final Destination franchise.
1. Nadia Monroy - holds the record for the fastest first death in the series.
2. Erin Ulmer - holds the record for the most brutal death scene in the series.
3. Terry Chaney and George Waggner - holds the record for the death scenes that have similarity.
4. Terry Chaney - holds the record for the unexpected and fastest death scene in the series.
5. Ms. Valerie Lewton - holds the record for the most gorier and longest death scene in the series.
6. Ashey Freund and Ashlyn Halperin - holds the record for the most painful death scene in the series.
7. Kat Jennings and Rory Peters - holds the record for death scenes that involves a series of chain reaction.
8. Tod Waggner - holds the record for the strangest death scene in the series. (it was clear that his death was the stangest and the most mysterious because it looks like his committed suicide but his not)
9. The Final Destination - holds the record for the shortest Final Destination movie ever made, only 82 minutes long, which is not even an hour and a half long.
10. Janet Cunningham - holds the record of most times evaded death.
11. Tim Capenter - holds the record for the youngest survivor in the series.