Final Destination Wiki

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Final Destination Wiki
   [While driving to the hospital.]

Eugene Dix: Y'all want to hear something crazy?: It's not the first time I cheated death. A kid came to school with a knife... killed his teacher. Teacher would have been me, but I was transferred to another school two days before.

Rory Peters: That's fucking weird, man.

Thomas Burke: You want weird? Last year my partner and I were heading out when a call came in about a train wreck. Frank decided to let me handle it alone. He died that night in a shootout. If that call had come in just... seconds later, I'd be dead too.

Kat Jennings: [remembered.] Oh my God. I'm sorry. It's just?... I got one, too. Okay So last May, I'm supposed to go and stay at this cheesy little bed and breakfast in Pennsylvania. Anyhow, there's this major gas leak that no one knows about, and all the guests suffocated during the night.

Eugene Dix: So what happened?

Kat Jennings: I don't know. I never made it. The bus I was on splattered some girl all over the road.

Clear Rivers: Was that in Mt Abraham?

Kat Jennings: [pauses] Yes. How did you know?

Clear Rivers: That bus you were on killed Terry Chaney. She was supposed to die on Flight 180.

Rory Peters: [remembered.] Hey, do you guys remember that theatre in Paris that collapsed last year and killed everybody inside? Well, I had tickets to go but one night, I'm in Paris and I'm just tripping on acid and sipping lattes and such. And then all of a sudden, this dude out of nowhere just get whacked! by this falling sign.

Clear Rivers: [guessed.] Carter.

Eugene Dix: [remembered.] Wait, wait, wait. The teacher I replaced, her name was Val Lewton. She was from Mt Abraham. She died in an explosion.

Thomas Burke: [remembered.] Shit. The call about the train wreck, that saved my life?... That was the night I scraped up, Billy Hitchcock.

Rory Peters: W-wai-wait, Wait a minute. Who are these people?

Kimberly Corman: [remembered.] The people who got off of Flight 180.

Clear Rivers: They were my friends. [to Kimberly.] Kimberly, tell us what happened?

Kimberly Corman: About a year ago, My mom and I were at the mall. I was supposed to meet her outside, but I got caught up watching this news report about some kid that committed suicide. I kept thinking, "How can you strangle yourself in the bathtub? That's... That's stupid." It felt wrong. And yet..., [felt sad.] I heard some gunshots and I ran outside. Some kids were trying to steal my mom's car. She tried to fight them off, she was a fighter, and they killed her. After the funeral I kept thinking that it should have been me. I guess everyone must think that but, I guess I was right.

   [Clear holds Kimberly's hand.]