So this is my Idea of a Final Destination Sequel that could be used for 6, 7 or any other future installments.
Franstein Carnival Disaster (Premonition Scene)[]
The movie begins in a town called Franstein in North Carolina. We are first introduced to Andrea Waters, Franstein High School senior and The Main Character, her boyfriend Milo Daniels, her best friend Kerri Enstuda and her boyfriend Shawn Matheson. The four have arrived at the Franstein annual Fourth of July carnival, where they come across the others in the story; Reese Lincoln, Twin sisters Heather and Harriet Burrest, Andy Purison, gay couple Louis Claning and Jayden Park, Goth couple Chelsea Monroe and Brett Kerkney, their school principal Tammie Wilkinson and a security guard called Mallie Halow.
The fourteen of them enjoy the festivity's the carnival offers, whilst a local camera crew records a lot of it. Later in the night, Andrea starts to notice things going wrong, like large gusts of winds and the flap to a food truck being creaky and falling down. An announcement says that the fireworks would be go off soon and after a few go up into the sky, death starts to happen.
When the trailers holding the fireworks fall forward, one gets sent into Reese's chest which flings him up into the air and going through a flag pole, causing every to freak out and run away. Andrea and Milo are seperated from Kerri, Shawn, Jayden and Louis so they stay behind to look for them. During this, Mallie gets the chef that was in the food truck out, but ends up getting her head crushed by the flap falling down. Then Heather and Harriet get into an argument of where to go, Heather wanting to go to the exit and Harriet wanting to run another way, which ends in a metal plate getting sent into Heather, cutting her in half and then a firework exploding a nearby gas tank kills Harriet. Then Andy, attempting to run away, gets trampled on by others before getting hit by a truck that's on fire. After woods, Andrea and Milo find Jayden who's lost Louis, but they hear him calling for Jay to help. Jayden gets Louis as the two run by a divider and get separated by a firework. As Louis tries to get up, another firework flings a box of tent pegs at Louis who is stabbed multiple times by them before a tent pole gets sent through his left eye, killing him as Jayden cries. Andrea and Milo get to a safe place and spot Chelsea and Brett running away so they call out to them. The two run for them but Brett trips as a firework launches into Chelsea, flinging her into the back of an ambulance that has some oxygen canisters in it. Whilst initially okay, Chelsea gets up only to scream at another firework heading strait for her which blows up the ambulance. During this Brett runs towards the ambulance only for Milo to yell for him to watch out as he turns to get decapitated by a metal plate. Then Jayden decides to run for the exit before getting hit by a food truck. Finally, they find Kerri and Shawn who start to run towards them but step in a puddle of leaked water that gets electrocuted, killing the two. Lastly, a firework shoots towards the truck they where hiding behind which the explosion kills Milo and flings Andrea into a cherry picker which ends up crushing her, only for her to see...
It was a premonition. Seeing the things from before, Andrea screams for them to not start the fireworks and that they were all gonna die, which causes a fight to break out. The thirteen students are escorted out by Mallie just as the fireworks go off, followed by an explosion and screams. Mallie attempts to run back in, but pushes Reese into a motorcycle which then explodes due to a gas tank flying through the air hitting it and kills Reese Lincoln.
The Following Week And Mallie's Cafe Kill[]
The next week, Andrea is comforted by Milo as she thinks she's to blame for Reese's death. Mrs. Wilkinson come to the two saying that what Andrea did was similar to what happened on Flight 180, Route 23, Devil's Flight and At the McKinley Speedway. Knowing this, they realize that the survivors will eventually die, starting with Mallie.
They find out that she is a frequent at a local cafe called '180 STREET COFFEE' and head there. Outside, the two narrowly dodge a delivery truck before entering and talking to the owner, Tod. Tod tells them that Mallie comes in everyday at 10am for a latte. As he said that, Mallie walks in and the three get to talking about the carnival. During talking, a red herring happens after Andrea tells her that she might die next which freaks Mallie out as she storms out.
She is stopped by Milo, but yells at them to stay away from her or she'll call the police. Before leaving, the truck from before loses its breaks and heads strait for her as Mallie says, "If I stick around you kids, I'll end up getting hit by a bus or something!" She then turns to face the truck as it hits her and launches her through the cafe's window and into a pole which cause her head to crack open, killing Mallie Halow.
Bad News Is Good News And Heather's Hairy Disaster[]
After Mallie's death, Andrea and Milo watch the news showing footage of the carnival before and after. In the before point, Milo spots Mallie in the background standing between a truck and a light pole, implying how she died. After further investigation, they see Reese in the before part pointing at a picture of a very detailed motorcycle with an explosion in the background.
They continue to investigate as Andrea remembers in her vision that Heather died next, so they look for her only to see her behind a person juggling scissors, leading them to think that she'll die by them. Milo then remember's hearing about Heather and Harriet going to the 'Snips and Clips Salon' at the mall, so they rush to get there.
Meanwhile, Heather and Harriet have a relaxing time with Harriet getting her nails painted her iconic blue color and Heather getting streaks of hair dye colored her iconic purple. Andrea and Milo get there just as she's about to get her hair dyed. They tell the sisters that they need to leave immediately, which pisses them off.
A sudden gust of wind from a fan slowly nudges a broom propped against a table which falls and hits a tray with scissors on them, flinging the scissors towards Heather, right after she said, "If I'm gonna die sooner than expected, then I'm gonna die with a cute fucking hair style!".
The scissors fling into Her chest, neck, arms and face as Heather Burrest falls to the floor, dead as everyone around her screams.
Girl On Fire[]
After Heather's death, the school held a memorial for her along with the twenty-two other students (Including Reese). Andrea and Milo find Kerri and Andrea inform her of what happened in her premonition saying that her and Shawn where the last ones to die before her and Milo and want her help to find out who would be next on death's list. Angered by them, Kerri refuses, saying that Harriet wants her to come with her to the mall to try on a dress for prom.
Later, Andrea and Shawn look through the before footage and see a man blowing fire into the air, with Harriet being the closest to the flames. Realizing that she'll die by fire, the two once again run to the mall, trying to contact Kerri who's ignoring their calls.
Meanwhile, Kerri lets Harriet go into the dressing rooms alone to try on a blue dress. Whilst in the dressing rooms, a gust of wind blows a bottle onto a plug that starts a fire and lights Harriet on fire. Finally, Kerri answers the phone to which Andrea yells that Harriet was gonna die by fire. Just as she said that, Harriet started screaming as she ran through the door on fire. The burning Harriet runs towards a stunned Kerri, screaming for her help, but slams into a display of clothes due to a store clerk pulling Kerri away.
She rises from the clothes as she crawls towards Kerri but dies right before reaching her. Then the sprinklers go off, putting out the flaming body of Harriet Burrest.
Head Trauma[]
After Harriet's death, Andrea, Milo, Kerri, Shawn and Mrs Wilkinson gather the remaining survivors to the St. Luther's Park which has a building under construction next to it. After some investigating, they concluded that Andy was going to die next, presumably by a car, and then Louis by something falling on him.
When the remaining survivors arrive, Kerri and Mrs. Wilkinson take Louis to the side whilst the others tell Andy that he'd die next. Jayden then asks who'd die after him to which Andrea hesitates, leading to Jay figuring out that Louis would die next.
Angered, Jayden tries to take Louis away from everyone but a fight happens between him, Shawn and Milo. Then Andy is pushed in the way of a car that was rolling down the hill towards him. Andrea notices this in time to pull Andy away which silences everyone as the car roles into the construction site and blows up whilst everyone ducks as the end of a saw breaks off and flings in their direction.
When everyone gets up, a scream is herd from the other side of the car, leading to the others rushing over, only to see that the saw right in Louis' face which kills him instantly. Everyone is shocked as Jayden crouches down to pick up the lifeless body of Louis Claning.
Death In An Antiques Store[]
After everything with Louis' death, the school prepares for the senior prom which was in three days time. During that day, Andrea was set on trying to save Chelsea and Brett who were next on the list.
She went to where they worked, an antiques store called 'Old Fortunes' and warned them of it, but they tell her to leave them alone. During this, a gas pipe breaks and the store starts to fall apart. Andrea is able to escape just in time as Chelsea and Brett try to get to the exit but are stopped as they look up to see the ceiling collapse onto them as they run away.
Andrea tries to go in there to save them but is pulled away by a random man as the building fully falls on top of the bodies of Chelsea Monroe and Brett Kerkney.
Panic At The Disco[]
The day of prom arrives as Kerri, Shawn, Milo, Andy, Mrs Wilkinson and others prepare for it, Andrea believes that it is her fault that the previously killed are dead, so she skips prom and stays at home.
She decides to take a nap, but the dream she has was from her premonition and it showed Mrs Wilkinson out side the carnival next to the bike that blew up Reese, but she's the one who is killed instead, she also has a miniature dream of Jayden going to prom and killing Andy then Kerri, Shawn and Milo.
She immediately woke up and looked through the footage to conclude that with Reese being at the bike, Mrs. Wilkinson couldn't have died so she was also on death's list, but it skipped her like it skipped Andy. She then finds out that Jayden would be next but she finds out from an article that he was close to falling of a bridge, but was saved by a random man, so death skipped him and has moved on to the next in line. Kerri and Shawn.
After looking at the news footage for the last time, Andrea concludes that Kerri will die by a light falling, Shawn by having something crush his head, Milo by a javelin and herself by an explosion. She didn't know how Jayden, Andy or Mrs Wilkinson would die but she drove to the high school to try to prevent her friends deaths.
On the way there, Andrea called Milo to tell him that they were gonna die there and Jayden was gonna kill Andy. Knowing this, Milo tried to find Andy only to see him on stage giving the prom king and queen their crowns, them being Kerri and Shawn. As Andrea got into the gym, Jayden also came in and yelled that it was Andy's fault that Louis is dead and he pulls a gun out on him. That brings a flashback to the carnival where Jayden won a fake gun and pretended to shoot Andy in the head.
As Jayden fired the gun, Milo pushed Andy out of the way only for the bullet to bounce off of a pole and hit an overhead light that should have crushed Kerri but it ends up killing Andy, meaning Kerri was skipped. Shawn and Milo go to fight Jayden who pushes Milo into a table that has punch on it, to which he picks it up and throws it onto him. Jayden, now blinded by punch, shot three bullets randomly. The first two missed anyone but the third hit a fire extinguisher that went flying into the room with all the sports equipment and blew up as a weight went flying into Shawn Matheson's head, crushing it. Another explosion happens which sends a javelin towards Milo, but Tammie Wilkinson pushes him out of the way as the javelin goes strait through her torso.
Jayden, now being able to see, went after Andrea, now thinking that this all happened because of her. He chases her into the car park and shoots a car she's hiding behind as it leaks oil. She ends up getting cornered by him as he says this is what she deserves, but Milo comes out and throws a cup at him. Jayden then aims at him but is pushed over by Andrea, flinging the gun from his hand as it hit the ground and fired a bullet which hits the gasoline and starts to blow up cars around them. The two run for the exit but is pushed away by Jayden who gives a final "FUCK YOU ANDREA WATERS!" as a car he runs by explodes and the arm of Jayden Park lands infront of her as she realizes that that car was meant to kill her, so she was skipped.
The final three, Kerri, Andrea and Milo, walk away from the high school, bloodied and bruised believing that they escaped death.
Three Weeks Later[]
Three weeks after the prom incident, Kerri, Andrea and Milo are on the stern of a boat that's cruising the Pacific when Andrea gets a familiar feeling as an explosion happens which starts to sink the ship.
Andrea watches as a lounge chair gets flung and slices Kerri Enstuda in two, with the top half flying into the ocean, and Milo Daniels gets stabbed multiple times by glass from a window that flew into him and dies.
Finally, Andrea gets flung into the air by a final explosion and is about to fall strait onto a sudden bay of rocks when the screen cuts to black and all we here is her scream followed by a splat.
This is the end. I hope you liked this idea.