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Final Destination Wiki

180Sideways 180Sideways 13 May 2022

Should the dates for The Final Destination be changed?

Why or why not?

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180Sideways 180Sideways 28 April 2022

Came across this...

While going though pages randomly, I came across this page; Costi Grisca. This set off red flags in my mind as this wasn't the name of any character in the films, or even in the novels. After I looked through the history, I learned that this user, Grica_irina, had moved the page from Milos Hewetson and had vandalized it. After undoing his edits, I went through the user's history. Turns out the user had a track record of up to a year of vandalizing pages. For example, he was responsible for that Jessica Halperin fiasco. Welp.[1]

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180Sideways 180Sideways 21 April 2022


I have come closer to finding out to when Death of the Senses takes place.

The year is 2003.

Evidence: Page 350, "To his dismay, the shot the paper had used was from four years before, his mugshot following his arrest for vehicular homicide."

The month is either January or February.

Evidence: Winter month.

One of the days is either January 18 or February 16.

Evidence: Both of these date were when the moon is full.

I apologize if this seems rushed, which it is.

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180Sideways 180Sideways 4 April 2022

Songs of Death that should be nice to hear in Final Destination

The ideals of a song of Death are that it must tie in with the situation. Over the past few months, I have browsed through YouTube to find music that. So far, this is what I have went through:

House of The Rising Sun by The Animals - Reason: Irony for thinking that you cheated death

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head by B. J. Thomas - Reason: Raindrops

Burning for You by Blue Oyster Club - Reason: Litteral burns

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M. - Reason: Feels like a song relating to an opening disaster

Love is (Linda) by Sweet Tuesday - Reason: Another irony song

We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel - Reason: "We didn't start the fire"

Carry on Wayward Son by KANSAS - Reason: Yet another irony song

Spirit In Th…

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180Sideways 180Sideways 21 March 2022

What if it was never January?

In the Final Destination, there is a prop mistake with the article about Samantha Lane's death and a printout about signs of death and the deaths of Pam Smith and Craig Perry. The printout was dated 4/09/2009. The article about Samantha's death was dated 2009/1/08. But what if the 1/08 isn't meant to be a date but instead meant to be a easter egg for the number 180. Based on the fact that three films have the opening disaster take place on the recurring date of May 13, the McKinley Speedway disaster could have taken place on the same date too. But I am uncertain if this is true or not. What do you guys think?

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