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Ashley and Ashlyn's death order[]

Ashley is the first survivor to die

Here are the reasons

1. In the tanning bed scene where she and Ashlyn are trapped in the tanning beds, you can see that Ashley's skin looks worser and red than Ashlyn.

2. If you look closely the premonition as the front half of the rollercoaster detatches, you'll see Ashley fly off her cart while Ashlyn and Frankie fall while still being on the cart.

3. If you see Jason and Carrie at the front of the detatchment you'll see Carrie fly off first killing her then Jason then the person behind Carrie, then the girl next to him until it goes to Ashley following Ashlyn then Frankie , then Lewis and so on.

4. If you look at the bonus disc footage of the FD3 DVD, then you would see a scene of the acting where a rope is carrying Chelan Simmons (Ashley) and pretending she's falling to her death then you'll see Crystal and Sam (Ashlyn and Frankie) still of their cart pretending its flipping over, and pretending to scream and fall to their deaths

5. It may seem that Ashlyns bed was set on fire first but when Ashleys bottom half of her bed breaks it automatically set on fire then Ashlyns bed sets on fire and not hearing Ashlyns screams was probably an editing goof or its that their last screams sounded the same or that the last scream came from Ashlyn.

  • 1. Ashley's skin looks worser and red than Ashlyn still can't proof Ashley dies first.Sroczynski 13:15, June 12, 2011 (UTC)
  • 2/3/4. You can't use that to judge which one dies first in real life, since death not always as same as what it happen in the premonition. For example, Clear was killed after Alex in the premonition, but her order was before Alex in real life; Dano was killed before Frankie and after Shaina in the premonition, but he was killed before Frankie and Shaina in real life with the backward point; Jonathan was killed after Andy in the premonition, but he was killed after George in real life.Sroczynski 13:15, June 12, 2011 (UTC)
  • 5. You already said that, "we are not hearing Ashlyns screams was probably an editing goof". You know, probably. How could two person scream together and their sound mixed, so we could only heard one person's scream? Especially their voice are exactly different, Ashley's is higher than Ashlyn, and Ashlyn's is low. The last scream came from Ashlyn? We saw Ashley opened her mouth and screaming, but without making any scream sound? Sroczynski 13:13, June 12, 2011 (UTC)
  • Did you read the novel?Sroczynski 23:01, May 26, 2011 (UTC)
Is this really worth making a fuss over? :/ Ggjk 03:40, May 27, 2011 (UTC)