Sky Foster is a characte and survivor in the novel Final Destination: Looks Could Kill. He is the infant son of Abigail Foster and Gunter Nonhoff. Sky was originally supposed to die before being born along with Cabernet during the Coral Clipper accident, but Sherry had a vision of the vessel crashing and she managed to save Cabernet and her baby from Death. However, since the baby originally was supposed to die in the crash, Sherry was bribed by Death to kill all of the survivors, including Cabernet. During childbirth, Sky began to come out backwards and nearly died when the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, but at the last second, Sherry left the room and foiled Death's plan, and Sky was born.
Several months later after Sherry had her face repaired, Sky and Cabernet were waiting in a limo across the street for her to join them so they could catch up with each other. Before Sherry had a chance to get into the car, she was abruptly run over by a bus right in front of Cabernet and Sky.
- Sky is the youngest survivor in the entire film and novel franchise combined; Not even being born. Though Tim was the youngest survivor in the entire franchise to die.