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Final Destination Wiki
Some people say there's a balance to everything: for every life there's a death, for every death there is a life. But the introduction of life that was not meant to be, that can invalidate the list - force Death to start anew.

William Bludworth explaining to Clear, Thomas and Kimberly why only new life can break Death's design.

New Life is the only thing that can defeat Death.


In Final Destination 2, Clear Rivers takes Kimberly Corman and Thomas Burke, with her to visit William Bludworth due to his extensive knowledge of Death and its design, believing that there is still more that he hasn't told her. Meeting with the mortician, Clear asks him how to cheat Death but he gives her the same response as he did when they first met on how there are no escapes from Death's design, but Clear rebukes him by saying that if the design can be bent, it can be broken but Bludworth still claims it to be futile.

Yet, when Kimberly asks him if he knows anything that can help, his attitude changes and he tells her that "only new life defeats death". When questioned on what that means, he explains that some people believe there to be a balance to everything; for every death there is a life and for every life there is a death - meaning Death maintains the balance of life and death through its design and why cheating death can only delay it as it will always come back for those who escaped their fate, no matter how many times they dodge it.

However, if a life that was never meant to be born into the world was born, than this new life invalidates Death as it was never supposed to be part of the design in the first place and defeats its design by its own rules, thus any survivors affected by this new life are given a clean slate.


There are only two known ways to bring about New Life:

A new life is born[]

If a life that was never meant to exist is born into the world, then it will invalidate Death's list and Death will be unable to kill it or anyone else that was involved, as Kimberly and the others thought if Isabella (who they thought was, along with her unborn child, meant to die in the Route 23 pile-up) would have the baby who was never meant to be born, it would create new life and they would all be safe.

A victim is given new life[]

Near the end of Final Destination 2, Kimberly Corman manages to defeat Death by drowning and killing herself for a few minutes before she is revived by Dr. Kalarjian, thus meaning her original life has ended and she was given a new one that was never meant to exist, thus making the list pointless and saving herself along with Thomas Burke, the only other remaining survivor.


  • The second film is the only one in the franchise to use the "New Life" method to cheat death, as the one before it and the three after it simply end with characters believing to have cheated death after a long period of silence before it comes back and finishes its design.
    • Although Final Destination 5 did offer the alternative of "stealing another's lifespan", this hardly differs from the other film's endings as everyone who did manage to steal another's life simply extended their lives by a few weeks at most.