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Final Destination Wiki

Who dies during a massage? Seriously.

Molly, on Isaac's death.

Molly Harper is a main character and the deuteragonist in Final Destination 5. She is the girlfriend of Sam Lawton and an intended survivor of the North Bay Bridge collapse.

Molly was the sixth survivor of the bridge collapse to die.


Molly lived in New York, and worked at Presage Paper's local sales division. She is dating Sam Lawton.

Final Destination 5

Molly helps Olivia

PREMONITION - Molly reaches her hand out to Olivia

Molly is on her way to a business retreat with her colleagues when Sam has a premonition that the bridge they're crossing will collapse, killing everyone on it, except for Molly who he manages to get safely across the bridge. Sam convinces Molly to leave the bridge with him shortly before it collapses as he predicted.

Molly at the memorial service

Molly at the Memorial

Days later, Molly meets with the other survivors at the memorial service. Later, Sam stops by Molly's house so they can talk, and she reveals the reason why she broke up with him was so he would pursue his dream of going to Paris to be a chef. When Sam says he turned down the job so he could be with her, she convinces him to go without her.

The next day, Molly returns to work where she shares a drink with Sam, Peter, Nathan, and Olivia. Afterwards, Sam convinces Molly to go to Paris with him. After learning about Isaac's death they rush to the Ming Yung spa where they meet the mysterious William Bludworth who explains that Death is still after the survivors, and if they wish to cheat death they must kill someone else and take their remaining lifespan. Molly and Sam rush to warn Olivia who has gone to the eye doctor to treat her myopic vision, but they arrive too late.

Afterwards, Molly and Sam try to figure out the order of how they died on the bridge, and they deduce that Nathan is going to be next. Molly and Sam rush over to find that Nathan had accidentally killed his co-worker in a warehouse accident. Moments later they witness the death of their boss Dennis.

Afterwards, Molly tries to convince Sam not to go to work, but Sam assures her that maybe something doesn't want him to die, since he received the vision of the bridge collapse. Later that night, Sam reserves the restaurant for a date with Molly. An unstable Peter interrupts their date, and attempts to kill Molly as he was jealous of her intended survival.


Molly, hiding against Peter.

Jim Block arrives shortly after, but is killed by Peter. Nonetheless he continues to pursue Molly and Sam to remove any witnesses. Just as Peter is about to stab Molly, Sam intervenes by stabbing him in the back with a large skewer. In theory, this intervention would have added Molly to Death's list, since she was saved by a person on Death's list from someone who was not. However, Peter had only gotten his name erased from the list moments before. Because of that, it is entirely conceivable that Death itself would have saved Molly if Sam couldn't have done so.


Molly sucked out of Flight 180

Molly screaming as she is sucked out of Flight 180

Molly gets bisected by plane's tailplane

Molly, bisected by plane's horizontal stabilizer.


Final Destination 5 Sam's and Molly's Death (HQ)

Two weeks later, Molly and Sam board Flight 180 to Paris. As they take their seats, she watches Alex Browning and Carter Horton fight and get thrown off the plane with several others. When the plane takes off, Sam experiences the same omens he saw before when the North Bay Bridge collapsed. Then, they witness the left engine explode and rip open the side of the plane. Seconds later, Molly is sucked out of the plane. Sam luckily manages and attempts to hold on to her, but her hand slips away. She is bisected by the horizontal stabilizer.


  • Molly tells Sam she wants the window seat.
  • In the premonition, Sam gets cut in two by a sheet of steel, while in reality, Molly is the one who gets cut in two.
  • An advertisement is shown for the Easternfield Lasik Center where Olivia had gone to, on the back of Molly's magazine.
  • The words FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS flicker on the plane.
  • A model plane is seen near Sam's cubicle when she, Sam and Olivia discuss Candice's death.
  • The model plane and the cars in Sam's cubicle, hints the following disasters in the series that sets off the events of the first four films.
  • Sam and Molly's assigned seat number is at "Seat 23". It is the number in the seat configuration where survivor Clear Rivers sits.
  • Sam says to Molly "As long as we're together, that's all that matters." While talking about when his death will occur.
  • A photo of Sam and Molly was seen in Molly's house. In the photo, Molly and Sam were hugging, she was standing in front of Sam, and she died before Sam.
  • In the photo, Sam is holding Molly at the waist. When Molly is bisected, she is bisected at the waist.
  • The song Dust in the Wind is heard on the plane.
  • Sam sees a group of kids shouting and arguing as they leave the plane. A flight attendant states to another passenger that one of the kids had a "vision" that the plane was going to explode.
  • Sam cuts himself on Flight 180 just like he did on North Bay Bridge.
  • Her death is similar to when a girl, Lynn on a plane (casualty of Final Destination) died from being sucked out of the plane's window seat in the premonition.
  • During the whole movie she is timid, and doleful. Right before she dies she is a little bit carefree, and bright spirited. This may be a reference to Final Destination 2, as William Bludworth says that people are "most alive right before they die."
  • When Sam was in Molly's house, he looked at a picture of him and Molly, a vase was reflecting in the frame. The reflection looked like the head of an airplane.


  • There is some confusion among fans who believe that Molly was mere collateral damage in Death's plan to kill Sam onboard Flight 180. Although she was intended to survive the North Bay Bridge Collapse, she was actually planned to die shortly thereafter by some means as Peter, who stole Block's lifespan and erased himself from Death's list, was going to kill her and since he wasn't on the list anymore, meant he wasn't killing her to steal her life but instead was going to kill her at her intended time, but due to Sam's intervention as an unintended survivor, this caused Molly to cheat death as well and thus Death sought to kill both of them on Flight 180 which was already fated to crash and kill everyone onboard, thus it simply added those two to the massive amount of casualties in an attempt to tie up the loose ends of the unintended survivors of the bridge collapse.



  • Molly's character has many titles due to her role in the movie:
    • First character that was meant to survive the opening disaster, but died in another one at the end. She thus shares similarities with Isabella Hudson and Brian Gibbons.
    • First female character who was not meant to die until later in the movie.
    • Chronologically speaking, first character to be included on Death's list, despite never initially being on Death's list, after being saved from a fatal event.
    • First character to be saved by the visionary during the premonition.
  • She is similar to Lori Milligan from the fourth movie in that both of them are the girlfriends of the main protagonist, who is also the visionary, and both of them die right before their boyfriends in vehicular related accidents.
  • Molly's death is similar to Ian McKinley's death in Final Destination 3 since both were bisected by metallic objects. Both were also involved in conspiracies to interfere with Death's design using murder. However, the tables are flipped with Molly being the target of said conspiracy.
  • In the script of Final Destination 5, she is described as: MOLLY HARPER, petite and cute.
  • While Molly was having drinks with her co-workers, there's a model plane and cars in Sam's cubicle which hints the following disasters in the series that sets off the events of the first four films.
  • Molly may have been named after The Unsinkable Molly Brown, a woman who is known for having survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic and later convincing the crew of Lifeboat no. 6 to return to the debris field to search for other survivors. Both have the same first name “Margaret” and go by the nickname “Molly”, and are known for having survived naturally-caused disasters involving water that killed several people.
Final Destination 5
North Bay Bridge | Volée Airlines Flight 180
Molly Harper | Sam Lawton | Peter Friedkin | Dennis Lapman | Nathan Sears | Olivia Castle | Isaac Palmer | Candice Hooper
Jennifer Alcott | Armond Babaian | Bradley Breyer | Chris Boylan | David Buckler | Bus Driver | Construction Worker | Kathy Fulton | Kelly Gaither | Marie Green | Bruce Higgs | Robert Johnson | Man | Clive Morin | Stacy Nadu | Richard Sanchez | Heather Slay | Debbie White | Trevor Winn | Jane Woo
Rocker | Roy Carson | John | Agent Jim Block | Reporter | William Bludworth | Chef | Mike | Coach | Campus Security | Porter | Spa Receptionist | Cho | Dr. Leonetti | Dotty | Line Cook | Woman on the street | Alex Browning | Carter Horton | Valerie Lewton | Billy Hitchcock | Terry Chaney | George Waggner | Larry Murnau | Co-pilot | Male flight attendant | Mr. Smith | Flight 180 female flight attendant 3 | Flight 180 female passenger
Presage Paper | 180 Corporate Consulting | Le Cáfe Miro 81 | Ming Yun Spa | Eastfield LaserEye Center | Mt. Abraham, New York | John F. Kennedy International Airport | Cocktails