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Final Destination Wiki


Final Destination
Final Destination 2
Final Destination 3
The Final Destination
Final Destination 5

List of deaths in the movies

Total Number Film Number Name Cause of Death
1 1 Bradley Breyer Drowned
2 2 Chris Boylan Drowned
3 3 David Buckler Drowned
4 4 Robert Johnson Drowned
5 5 Debbie White Drowned
6 6 Jennifer Alcott Drowned
7 7 Armond Babaian Drowned
8 8 Stacy Nadu Drowned
9 9 Heather Slay Drowned
10 10 Marie Green Drowned
11 11 Kelly Gaither Drowned
12 12 Richard Sanchez Drowned
13 13 Jane Woo Drowned
14 14 Clive Morin Drowned
15 15 Kathy Fulton Drowned
16 16 Bruce Higgs Drowned
17 17 Trevor Winn Drowned
18-86 18-86 69 people on The Bridge Drowned
87 87 Candice Hooper Back broken while landing awkwardly
88 88 Isaac Palmer Head crushed by Buddha statue
89 89 Olivia Castle Fell four stories out of a building onto a car
90 90 Roy Carson Impaled through the head by a lifting hook
91 91 Dennis Lapman Penetrated through the head by a wrench
92 92 Jim Block Shot three times in the back
93 93 Peter Friedkin Impaled through the back with a meat spit
94 FD1:1 / FD5:94 Molly Harper Bisected by the tailplane
95 FD1:2 / FD5:95 Dustin Stuck out the plane
96 FD1:3 / FD5:96 Smith Incinerated in an airplane explosion
97 FD1:4 / FD5:97 Co-pilot Incinerated in an airplane explosion
98 FD1:5 / FD5:98 Male flight attendant Incinerated in an airplane explosion
99 FD1:6 / FD5:99 Female flight attendant Incinerated in an airplane explosion
100 FD1:7 / FD5:100 Female flight attendant Incinerated in an airplane explosion
101 FD1:8 / FD5:101 Lou Gehrig's Man Incinerated in an airplane explosion
102 FD1:9 / FD5:102 Lou Gehrig's Man's wife Incinerated in an airplane explosion
103 FD1:10 / FD5:103 Larry Murnau Incinerated in an airplane explosion
104 FD1:11 / FD5:104 George Waggner Incinerated in an airplane explosion
105 FD1:12 / FD5:105 Dave Anderson Incinerated in an airplane explosion
106 FD1:13 / FD5:106 John Joseph Alvarez Incinerated in an airplane explosion
107 FD1:14 / FD5:107 Fraser Boyle Incinerated in an airplane explosion
108 FD1:15 / FD5:108 Dave Brown Incinerated in an airplane explosion
109 FD1:16 / FD5:109 William Burns Incinerated in an airplane explosion
110 FD1:17 / FD5:110 Jody Chow Incinerated in an airplane explosion
111 FD1:18 / FD5:111 Vance Conway Incinerated in an airplane explosion
112 FD1:19 / FD5:112 Laurie Edmundson Incinerated in an airplane explosion
113 FD1:20 / FD5:113 Karen Ann Eisenstadt Incinerated in an airplane explosion
114 FD1:21 / FD5:114 Todd A. Emde Incinerated in an airplane explosion
115 FD1:22 / FD5:115 Kevin Fish Incinerated in an airplane explosion
116 FD1:23 / FD5:116 Kasandra Griebel Incinerated in an airplane explosion
117 FD1:24 / FD5:117 Kate Elise Heslup Incinerated in an airplane explosion
118 FD1:25 / FD5:118 Wm. Carle Heslup Incinerated in an airplane explosion
119 FD1:26 / FD5:119 Lisa Rose Hudson Incinerated in an airplane explosion
120 FD1:27 / FD5:120 Sally Hudson Incinerated in an airplane explosion
121 FD1:28 / FD5:121 Stephen Jackson Incinerated in an airplane explosion
122 FD1:29 / FD5:122 Lee M. Jenkinson Incinerated in an airplane explosion
123 FD1:30 / FD5:123 Joey Jow Incinerated in an airplane explosion
124 FD1:31 / FD5:124 Marko Lytviak Incinerated in an airplane explosion
125 FD1:32 / FD5:125 Terry Mackay Incinerated in an airplane explosion
126 FD1:33 / FD5:126 Johanna Ingrid Masur Incinerated in an airplane explosion
127 FD1:34 / FD5:127 Brooke Karen McGill Incinerated in an airplane explosion
128 FD1:35 / FD5:128 Derick McLeod Incinerated in an airplane explosion
129 FD1:36 / FD5:129 Pamela McLeod Incinerated in an airplane explosion
130 FD1:37 / FD5:130 William McMahon Incinerated in an airplane explosion
131 FD1:38 / FD5:131 Bryan Pederson Incinerated in an airplane explosion
132 FD1:39 / FD5:132 Julie Anne Slater Incinerated in an airplane explosion
133 FD1:40 / FD5:133 Terry Sonderhoff Incinerated in an airplane explosion
134 FD1:41 / FD5:134 Mary Lou Storey Incinerated in an airplane explosion
135 FD1:42 / FD5:135 Anneke Van Oort Incinerated in an airplane explosion
136 FD1:43 / FD5:136 Kirstie Van Oort Incinerated in an airplane explosion
137 FD1:44 / FD5:137 Geoffrey Wallace Incinerated in an airplane explosion
138 FD1:45 / FD5:138 Carie Lynn Wallis Incinerated in an airplane explosion
139 FD1:46 / FD5:139 John B. Willett Incinerated in an airplane explosion
140 FD1:47 / FD5:140 Sam Lawton Incinerated in an airplane explosion
141 FD1:48 / FD5:141 Female passenger Incinerated in an airplane explosion
142 FD1:49 / FD5:142 Female flight attendant Incinerated in an airplane explosion
143 FD1:50 / FD5:143 Christa Marsh Incinerated in an airplane explosion
144 FD1:51 / FD5:144 Blake Dreyer Incinerated in an airplane explosion
145-380 FD1:52-287 / FD5:145-380 236 people on The plane Incinerated in an airplane explosion
381 381 Nathan Sears Crushed by Flight 180's landing gear
Unknown Unknown Unknown in the bar Crushed by Flight 180's landing gear, Killed during the bar collapsed
382 288 Tod Waggner Hanged inside his bathtub by a wire
383 289 Terry Chaney Run over by a bus
384 290 Valerie Lewton Penetrated in the chest by a knife
385 291 Billy Hitchcock Decapitated by a shard of metal from the mouth up
386 292 Carter Horton Crushed by a neon sign (off-screen)
387 293 Alex Browning Bashed in the face by a fallen brick (off-screen)
388-402 1-15 15 people on Route 23 Mangled and incinerated in a vehicle pile-up
403 16 Dano Estevez Mangled and incinerated in a vehicle pile-up
404 17 Frankie Whitman Mangled and incinerated in a vehicle pile-up
405 18 Shaina McKlank Mangled and incinerated in a vehicle pile-up
406 19 Evan Lewis Impaled in the eye by a fire escape ladder
407 20 Tim Carpenter Crushed by a glass pane
408 21 Nora Carpenter Decapitated by an elevator
409 22 Kat Jennings Impaled through the head by a dislodge pipe
410 23 Rory Peters Dismembered by wires from a wire fence
411 24 Eugene Dix Incinerated in an oxygen explosion
412 25 Clear Rivers Incinerated in an oxygen explosion
413 26 Brian Gibbons Blown apart by an exploding barbecue grill
414 1 Carrie Dreyer Mangled in Devil's Flight derailment
415 2 Jason Wise Mangled in Devil's Flight derailment
416 3 Jill Mangled in Devil's Flight derailment
417 4 Marcus Mangled in Devil's Flight derailment
418 5 Scott Mangled in Devil's Flight derailment
419 6 Elle Dana Mangled in Devil's Flight derailment
420 7 Bob Mangled in Devil's Flight derailment
421 8 Ashley Freund Incinerated in a tanning bed
422 9 Ashlyn Halperin Incinerated in a tanning bed
423 10 Frankie Cheeks Back of the head shredded by an engine fan
424 11 Lewis Romero Head crushed by weights
425 12 Erin Ulmer Shot multiple times in the head by a nail gun
426 13 Perry Malinowski Impaled through the back by a flagpole
427 14 Ian McKinley Crushed and dismembered in half by a cherry picker
Unknown Unknown Unknown on The train Mangled in train derailment (off-screen)
430 15 Laura Mangled in train derailment (off-screen)
431 16 Sean Mangled in train derailment (off-screen)
432 17 Julie Christensen Crushed by dislodge train wheel (off-screen)
433 18 Kevin Fischer Filleted between a train and tunnel wall (off-screen)
434 19 Wendy Christensen Run over by a train (off-screen)
Unknown Unknown Unknown on The train

Mangled in train derailment (off-screen)

435 1 Car 6 Driver Incinerated in a racecar accident
436 2 Cynthia Daniels Severed in half from the waist down by a car hood
437 3 Car 39 Driver Incinerated in a racecar accident
438 4 Car 11 Driver Incinerated in a racecar accident
439-486 5-52 58 people in The Speedway Killed during the disaster
487 53 Nadia Monroy Upper portion of body obliterated by a flying wheel
488 54 Carter Daniels Blown apart in a fiery explosion caused by his tow truck
489 55 Samantha Lane Eye perforated by a stone
490 56 Andy Kewzer Thrown into a metal fence and diced in the torso
491 57 Hunt Wynorski Organs sucked out of his anus by a pool drainage system
492 58 Jonathan Grove Crushed by an overflown bathtub
493 59 George Lanter Hit by an ambulance
494 60 Janet Cunningham Bones crushed from being run over by a truck
495 61 Lori Milligan Internally decapitated by being hit by a truck
496 62 Nick O'Bannon Jaw/skull broken when thrown to a wall from being hit by a truck


Dead Reckoning

Total Number Novel Number Name Cause of Death
395-418. 1-24. Club Kitty Guests and Staff Members Mangled during club cave-in
419. 25. Tony Impaled by fallen girder
420. 26. Cassie Half crushed by fallen debris
421. 27. Heather Crushed by fallen girder
422. 28. Bartender Impaled to the countertop by a fallen girder
423. 29. Becci Mangled during club cave-in
424. 30. Mrs. Golden Mangled during club cave-in
425. 31. Club Manager Mangled during club cave-in
426. 32. Sebastian Lebecque Incinerated in motorcycle explosion
427. 33. Amber Run over by a car
428. 34. Charlie Delgado Crushed by an elevator
429. 35. Marina Hewlett Bitten by a poisonous spider
430. 36. Macy Severed from the shoulder-over by a metal pane
431. 37. Ben Falls down a manhole and breaks his neck
432. 38. Eric Prescott Skull crushed by metal surfboard

Destination Zero

Total Number Novel Number Name Cause of Death
433. 1. Adrienne Incinerated in a house explosion
434-436. 2-4. Adrienne's Servants Incinerated in a house explosion
437. 5. Annie Chapman Butchered
438. 6. Prostitute Butchered
439. 7. Matthew Upton Impaled by a pipe and incinerated by the chemicals coating it
440. 8. Hector Barnes Swarmed, bitten by poisonous cobras
441. 9. Jane Stanley Swarmed, bitten by poisonous cobras
442. 10. Andrew Caine Swarmed, bitten by poisonous cobras
443. 11. Catherine Eddowes Kidneys cut out
444. 12. Stewart Tubbs Put into a death-like state by spilled chemicals and autopsied alive
445. 13. Prostitute Butchered
446. 14. Bill Sangster Crushed by the gears and mechanisms of a drawbridge
447-484. 15-53. South Hill Metroline Passengers Incinerated when a bomb explodes in the train
485. 54. Hal Ward Leg broken, drowned in a creek during a flash flood
486. 55. Zack Halloran Sliced in half from head to groin by a fallen glass pane
487. 56. Susan Fries Hole burned through her chest by ignited thermite
488. 57. Al Kinsey Beheaded by a flying hubcap
489. 58. Dan Hoffman Shot in the chest three times with a sub machine gun
490. 59. Leon Khalid Shot in the chest four times with a sub machine gun
Unknown Unknown Motorists Mangled and incinerated in a vehicle pile-up
491. 60. Police Officer Shot in the head with a sub machine gun
492. 61. Police Officer Shot in the head with a sub machine gun
493. 62. Will Sax Sliced and stabbed by multiple flying CDs and DVDs

End of the Line

Total Number Novel Number Name Cause of Death
494. 1. Taxi Driver Incinerated inside his taxi cab
Unknown Unknown 32nd Street Subway Passengers Mangled and incinerated in a fiery train crash
495. 2. Rinoka Aratsu Crushed by a bathtub
496. 3. Peter Hoffman Impaled between the ribs by gazelle horns
497. 4. Tony Forelli Shot in the forehead with a handgun
498. 5. Jack Cohen Inadvertently pulls out a fragment of his brain after he pulls a corkscrew from his eye
499. 6. Brad Shot in the back with a handgun
500. 7. Male Civilian Shot several times with handguns
Unknown Unknown White Gang Members Shot several times with handguns
Unknown Unknown Police Officers Shot several times with handguns
501. 8. Mary-Beth Bradbury Decapitated and dismembered by a chainsaw
502. 9. Tiny Tim Impaled in the chest by a meat hook
503. 10. Bodil Raden Impaled by multiple sharp-tipped umbrellas
504. 11. James Barker Impaled by multiple sharp-tipped umbrellas
505. 12. Kate Shelley Stabs herself in the chest with a syringe and destroys her heart
506. 13. Danny King Falls down a ravine in a motorcycle accident

Dead Man's Hand

Total Number Novel Number Name Cause of Death
507. 1. Aldis Escobar Crushed by a flipped van
508. 2. Danny Lavirra Beaten to death
509-547. 3-41. Civilians Fell out of an elevator, crushed by debris or incinerated by exploding vehicles
548. 42. Tony Augustino Crushed by a chunk of concrete
549. 43. Sean Murphy Halved at the waist by a fallen traffic light
550. 44. Shawna Engels Rammed into a slot machine by a car, impaled through the mouth by the coin dispenser
551. 45. Roberto Diaz Shot in the chest five times with a handgun
552. 46. Warren Ackerman Electrocuted by severed power lines
553. 47. Arlen Ploog Groin bitten off
554. 48. Tom Gaines Run over by a truck
555. 49. Allie Goodwin-Gaines Exposed to HIV-infected blood, presumably succumbs to the virus
556. 50. Isabelle Montoya Exposed to HIV-infected blood, presumably succumbs to the virus

Looks Could Kill

Total Number Novel Number Name Cause of Death
557. 1. Horace Fischer Mangled during boat collision
Unknown. Unknown. Coral Clipper passengers and crew Mangled or drowned during boat collision and sinking
558. 2. Pier Merlot Suffered heart attack after being trampled
559. 3. Carlo Mangled or drowned during boat collision and sinking
560. 4. Sergei Mangled or drowned during boat collision and sinking
561. 5. Ruby Bites off tongue, face eaten away by hydrogen cyanide gas
562. 6. Shirelle Edelstein Internally decapitated after her hair is caught in a set of rims on a wheel
563. 7. Darla Drowned in her hottub
564. 8. Nurse Dahmer Suffered an allergic reaction due to nitrous oxide
565. 9. Rosemarie Dupree Eviscerated during liposuction
566. 10. William Simms Splattered by a subway train
567. 11. Gunter Nonhoff Severed in half at the waist down by a delivery truck
568. 12. Female Skin Donor Suffers congenital heart defect (off-page)
569. 13. Stephanie Pulaski Run over by a bus

Death of the Senses

Total Number Novel Number Name Cause of Death
570. 1. John Doe Shot in the face with a handgun
571. 2. Chelsea Cox Impaled through the eyes by a fallen two-pronged icicle
572. 3. Dawson Donahue Crushed into a wall by an exploding car
573. 4. Dominique Swann Choked on a bottle shard launched into her throat
574. 5. Katie Astin Blinded by a spotlight explosion, electrocuted by live cables
575. 6. Joshua Cornell III Beheaded at the jawline by a flying platinum record
576. 7. Jack Curtis Shot in the chest three times with a handgun
577. 8. Amy Tom Impaled through the back by a metal bird sculpture, bled to death



Total Number Comic Number Name Cause of Death
578. 1. Bus Driver Suffered a heart attack
579-633. 2-56. Motorists Mangled, incinerated or drowned in a bridge pile-up
634. 57. Jim Drowned in a body of water
Unknown. Unknown Factory Workers Incinerated or suffocated in a factory explosion
635. 58. Co-Worker Fell off a ladder and onto a fence post, impaling him through the back
636. 59. Co-Worker Electrocuted in a bathtub by a radio
637. 60. Co-Worker Run over by a lawnmower
638. 61. Co-Worker Run over by a train
639. 62. The Narrator Hangs himself in a rope noose (off-panel)

Spring Break

Total Number Comic Number Name Cause of Death
640-1316. 1-677. Hotel Grand Tzolk Patrons and Staff Incinerated in a hotel explosion
1317. 678. Esperanza Gutierrez Incinerated in a hotel explosion
1318. 679. Humbert Incinerated in a hotel explosion
1319. 680. Kris Gutted by a boat propeller
1320. 681. Katie Impaled through the chest by the ribs of a medical display skeleton
1321. 682. Gino Impaled through the mouth by a glass shard
1322. 683. Forklift Driver Suffered a heart attack
1323. 684. Sue Flanders Impaled through the back by a forklift
1324. 685. Dreena Knocked out of a jet bridge, breaking her neck
1325. 686. Jeremy Knocked out of a jet bridge, breaking his neck
1326. 687. Amanda Drowned in a pool
1327. 688. Matt Incinerated by fireworks
1328. 689. Jake Hacked to bits by helicopter blades
1329. 690. Garcia-Garcia Incinerated in a helicopter explosion
1330. 691. Helicopter Pilot Incinerated in a helicopter explosion
Unknown Unknown Hotel Patrons and Staff Incinerated in a hotel explosion
1331. 692. Bryan Suffocated in a coffin

Not Included

The following is a list of characters who weren't included in the tables above because the death wasn't confirmed or because the characters were killed/died before the novel/movie/comic/fanfiction began and were merely mentioned.

Final Destination

  • Clear Rivers mentions her father was shot in the head in what was presumably a mugging gone wrong several years prior to the film.

Final Destination 2

Final Destination 3

  • The total amount of casualties from the Train 081 derailment was never confirmed, but since Wendy had a premonition of the derailment, it's possible that she was somehow able to avoid or alleviate it, saving herself and possibly others onboard Train 081.

The Final Destination

  • George mentions his wife and daughter died in a drunk driving accident he was responsible for sometime before the events of the film.
  • The death toll of the McKinley Speedway disaster rose to 63 in a deleted scene, but it's unknown if this is canon, since the scene was cut from the movie.
  • There is severe controversy surrounding the incident that happened at Theater 13. Several people died in the premonition of the explosion, however the only known casualties after the premonition were Nick O'Bannon, Janet Cunningham, and Lori Milligan. This means that all of the other survivors of the accident that Nick prevented must've died off-screen during the two week span between the premonition and Nick, Janet, and Lori's deaths. Unless the people in Theater 13 were never supposed to die and it was red herring made by death to make Nick, Janet, and Lori survive and go to the Death by Caffeine to die.
  • It is unknown whether there were other casualties in Death by Caffeine aside from Nick, Lori, and Janet, as several other people were present, including a homeless man and his dog.

Final Destination 5

  • It's not known how many people died after a piece of landing gear from Flight 180 crushed the bar Nathan Sears was in.

Dead Reckoning

  • A female pedestrian may have died shortly before the events in the novel began.
  • Jess killed a warehouse guard dog by striking it in the head with a metal desk lamp.
  • The total amount of casualties from the Club Kitty collapse was probably higher than 31.
  • Jessica Golden and Jamie's statuses are still unknown.

Destination Zero

  • All the characters from the Victorian era eventually died of natural causes.
  • Mr. Fries died in a freak accident three months prior to the events in the novel.
  • The amount of casualties from the traffic accident Sean Reilly caused was never confirmed.
  • A street abortionist was killed in a firebombing a month prior to the events.
  • It was never confirmed if Dan Hoffman died; the terrorist who was shot may have been an unnamed associate of Reilly's.

End of the Line

  • Peter Hoffman's mother died after childbirth.
  • Mary-Beth Bradbury's child died shortly after childbirth.
  • In the hospital after Danny's premonition, Louise remembers her grandmother had died in a hospital when she was seven.
  • Although Peter saw a few pedestrians on the train, the total amount of casualties at the 32nd Street subway crash was never confirmed.
  • Andrew Williams eventually succumbed to his illness.
  • Jimmy was involved in a robbery that resulted in a store clerk bleeding to death several years before the events in the novel began.
  • Jack Cohen's first wife died in 1973, and his second died in 1989.
  • Jack also remembers the deaths of his sister Lilly, and his brother Alec, as well as the deaths of his youngest son and grandniece while sitting in the park with the survivors.
  • The total amount of casualties from the shootout in the police station is unknown.

Dead Man's Hand

Looks Could Kill

  • Brut's entire family, as well as a few wayward civilians, were slaughtered by Delbert Davis when Brut was an infant, shortly before Delbert himself was killed.
  • The total amount of casualties from the Coral Clipper accident is unknown.
  • It is unknown if Dr. Shapiro came out of the coma or if he died.

Death of the Senses

  • Amy mentions to Jack that she once witnessed a man commit suicide by jumping off a building when the two find Lonnie contemplating doing the same.
  • Later, Amy mentions her mother died of some unspecified illness years ago.


  • It is unknown how many co-workers died in the factory accident.
  • It's possible that the unnamed narrator was unable to kill himself due to Death's rules, and that his family and the rest of the intended victims of the gas station explosion are meant to die anyway.

Spring Break

  • The amount of casualties during the hotel explosion after the helicopter crashed is unknown.
  • Carly Hagan's status is unknown, as she disappeared into thin air.