Final Destination 2 (2003) - Premonition Scene (After)-1360503788

Kimberly's SUV was her mode of transportation before the Route 23 pileup. It is a red 1996 Chevrolet Tahoe and one of the many vehicles destroyed in the premonition of the pile-up and the real event.

Kimberly's SUV is completely destroyed in the pile-up.
Built in 1996, the history of this car is unknown, but it can be presumed that Kimberly obtained ownership sometime before the event's of Final Destination 2. The car could have been leant to her by her father Michael Corman for her trip to Daytona for spring break, because she later, in the film, uses Kat Jenning's SUV after her Chevrolet Tahoe is destroyed by the Truck from Hell during the pileup.
Final Destination 2[]
On May 13, 2000, Kimberly Corman, along with her friends Dano Estevez, Shaina McKlank, and Frankie Whitman, were on route to Florida. Shortly after they set off, Kimberly's father Michael Corman notices motor fluid on the driveway, right under where the car was parked. She decided to take a shortcut to Florida on Route 23.
During the Route 23 pileup, the SUV is hit by a log launched from a log truck, causing it to roll over several times before landing on on it's side. After the Truck from Hell crashes into Evan Lewis, the SUV is hit by the truck and presumably destroyed in a fiery explosion.
Real Life[]
Kimberly uses the SUV to stop people from getting on Route 23 by blocking the entrance. Seconds after the main pileup occurs, the SUV is hit by the Truck From Hell and destroyed in a firery explosion.