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What are you kids, stupid or something? Get out of here!

Danny, turns to the boys and Samantha.

Danny Wall is a character in The Final Destination.


Danny resides somewhere in Lakeview, Indiana. He is a gruff groundskeeper and works across the street from the Salon Dante.

The Final Destination

One day, while filling his lawnmower up with gasoline, he becomes irritated when Samantha Lane's two young sons begin throwing stones near him, trying to hit a parking sign, and yells at them. A few minutes later, Wall, while riding his mower, runs over one of the rocks Samantha's boys were throwing, causing it to be shot across the street and into Samantha's eye. Not realizing what had happened, he continues mowing, the screams of the Samantha's children and bystanders being drowned out the lawnmower's noise. Later, the newspaper that reported Samantha's death also mentions Wall's word after the incident, saying he never had something like this happening in decades of working.


  • Although the newspaper article revealed his name as Danny Wall, his nametag listed his name as Carl.