Final Destination Wiki

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Final Destination Wiki

KingPug07 KingPug07 8 November 2024

I have a Discord. If you want to join, go ahead.

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Marco's Synthesized Account Marco's Synthesized Account 22 September 2024

Who deserved to die the most?

There are a few characters throughout the franchise, whose demise serve as a "poetic justice":

  1. Frankie, a harasser from the 2006 movie, whose death involve a fan engine shredding and slicing the back of head, serving as what I call as a "well-deserved karmic punishment" for being a total pervert towards Ashley and Ashlyn.
  2. Carter, a Neo-Nazi racist from the 2009 movie, whose death involve a car hook dragging him and setting the freak into fire. Afterwards, he explodes into pieces, sending him to hell, and this death did serve to be a major karmic punishment for the despicable actions he've done.
  3. Isaac, a pervert, a thiever, and a womanizer, from the 2011 movie, whose death, like Carter's, involve a fire, this time at a spa. After harassing a y…
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Test123213213 Test123213213 17 August 2024


Note:** All personnel are reminded that interaction with SCP-FC-002 poses significant risks. Adherence to containment procedures and psychological support protocols is mandatory to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.

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Test123213213 Test123213213 10 August 2024

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Jamie Faith Diamond Jamie Faith Diamond 9 August 2024

Fan-Made Hypothetical: A Line For A Later Film.

A Line Final Destination Should Use In A Later Film:

Have an intended survivor say "I should be happy that nothing bad is going to happen to me, but I’m not. I still have to watch my loved 1s suffer, & die gruesome unjustified deaths, & that was its own curse." (as a reference to the 180 curse), then that intended survivor gets to live (& not die shortly afterwards like Molly Harper), & at the end of the movie they scream in terror & grieving pain for the deaths of all of the unintended survivors. This would prove that death is cruel to more then just the people who die.

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Jamie Faith Diamond Jamie Faith Diamond 1 August 2024

Fan-Made Hypothetical: Corman\Christensen Family:

Originally, Kimberly (the protagonist & visionary of FD 2), along with Thomas Burke, was going meet with Wendy (the protagonist & visionary of FD 3) & Julie in Train 081, revealing to be cousins, but the idea was changed to where she & Burke were killed by a woopchipper in off-screen, as seen on the newspaper in Choose Their Fate. What if at some point in either film it's confirmed to be canon, Kimberly & Wendy being related would also explain what gives the visionaries their powers, it's in their DNA. Regardless, this is for what if they were.

  • 1 Terms & Definitions:
  • 2 The Family Tree:
    • 2.1 Kimberly Corman:
    • 2.2 Michael Corman:
    • 2.3 Mrs. Corman:
    • 2.4 Wendy Christensen:
    • 2.5 Julie Christensen:
    • 2.6 Mr. Christensen:
    • 2.7 Mrs. Christensen:

  • [made up term]: I just made …

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Jamie Faith Diamond Jamie Faith Diamond 24 July 2024

Fun Horror Movie Fact:

Making stupid decisions that get you or some1 else killed is 1 of the most realistic things to happen in most horror movies, it’s actually human nature. The human brain short circuits in highly stressful situations (proof), & can there be a more stressful situation then having a premonition of a crash/disaster that will kill every1 around you including yourself (dose't happen in most horror movies, but defentlly in this franchise) & that is just the very tip of the iceberg. It’s possible to avoid that, but it requires knowing this fact & knowing when it’s happening to you, even subconsciously.

A Line Final Destination Should Use In A Later Film: Dose it look like I'm thinking rationally in those moments buddy, the answer is a decided no.

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Jamie Faith Diamond Jamie Faith Diamond 24 July 2024

Death's Rules & Theories:

Death's design/180 curse.

  • 1 Death's 14 Rules:
    • 1.1 Seen in Final Destination +:
    • 1.2 Seen in Final Destination 2 +:
    • 1.3 Seen in Final Destination 3 +:
    • 1.4 Seen in The Final Destination/Final Destination 4 +:
    • 1.5 Seen in Final Destination 5 +:
    • 1.6 Seen in Final Destination: Looks Could Kill:
  • 2 2 Death Theories:
    • 2.1 Seen in Final Destination 2:
    • 2.2 Seen in Final Destination 3 & The Final Destination/Final Destination 4:

#1: Order Of Death: Death kills the survivors in the order they would have died in the premonitions.

#2: Death's Clues: Death leaves clues for the survivors of how they’ll die.

#3: Intervention: If you save some1’s life, death will skip to the next person in the kill order, & it's a loop until every1 is dead or the chain is broken.

#4: Changing The Order…

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Ekm94 Ekm94 14 July 2024

Volée Airlines Flight 180 explosion at the air traffic control tower

How the airport control tower was up to date with the situation Volée Airlines flight 180 from taking off from the airport runway, flying and the final explosion in the air? Was there radio contact, satellite or telephone connection with Volée Airlines flight 180?

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Ekm94 Ekm94 14 July 2024

Emergency vehicles on Final Destination 2000

When Alex and Carter are fighting while being held up by the guards in the terminal and suddenly Volée Airlines flight 180 explodes in the air, what vehicles are driving in a rush around and on the runway?

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MAXiGALLARDO.2405.MM MAXiGALLARDO.2405.MM 12 July 2024

FD: Movie List (From Best 2 Worst)

In my opinion, this is how I'd classify the 5 movies from this wonderful saga:

  1. Final Destination 1 (one of my favs, in addition of the fifth and second one).
  2. Final Destination 5 (my other favorite one).
  3. Final Destination 2 (another banger, sorta).
  4. Final Destination 3 (not bad at all, but it could've been better. P.S.: it's MUCH better than FD 4, XD)
  5. Final Destination 4 (no matter that it's a good movie, it's not like FD 1 or 5).

Do you agree with me or not, hehe? Let me know in the comments :)

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KingPug07 KingPug07 21 April 2024

180 Cruse

In Final Destination 5, Sam Lawton and Molly Harper is in a plane, they saw Alex Browning yelling "Get off the plane!" which causes Sam's and Molly's death.

If Sam is the first visionary, he pass the Flight 180 Curse to Alex Browning.

Then Alex Browning pass it to Kimberly Corman.

Since Kimberly Corman and Wendy Christensen are "cousins" Kimberly pass it to Wendy.

And Wendy Christensen pass it to Nick O'Bannon since they lived in McKinley, Pennsylvania.

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Crit-A-Cola Enjoyer Crit-A-Cola Enjoyer 2 December 2023

Final Destination 2: If their deaths were the same as in the premonition

You read the title. In this, the death order is the same as in Kimberleys canon premonition, so the deaths will be reverse of that movie.

It’s gonna start the same, with Kimberly and Shaina picking up Dano and Frankie, seeing the pileup casualties and all that.

In this, Evan (due to being an arrogant dick), speeds past Burke, which means when the log truck breaks, Evan’s head is crushed by a log instead of Thomas. Tim would frantically try to control the wheel instead of Nora, causing him to swerve into a log, killing them. Kat would suffer the same fate as in the canon premonition, breaking her neck after ramming into a log. Eugene would crash into Rory’s car, and get launched into the road, stopping his car in its tracks. When the truck ra…

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Cintagon Cintagon 3 November 2023

Movin' all of my fanmade pages

Finally discovered the existence of the Final Destination Fanfiction Wiki
Anyways, bye!

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Cintagon Cintagon 29 October 2023

North Bay Mall


The North Bay Mall is a mall located in Vancover, Canada. It opened on October 13th, 2017, on May 7th, 2021, A gasleak is found on the 3rd floor, The building explodes and kills almost everyone.

This is the sixth disaster is this was official.

  • 1 Disaster
    • 1.1 Premotion
    • 1.2 Real Life
  • 2 Signs/Clues
  • 3 Intended Survivors
  • 4 Unintended Survivors
  • 5 Trivia

3 days after the Game n' Showcase 2021 disaster, Northern Bay Junior Highschool student Lowrance Capone has a premotion of a gas leak that kills almost everyone, here is the premotion in question.

During his second semester's break, Lowrance along with a couple others go shopping in the North Bay Mall for the duration of a break.

In the back of Hardware from the Best, a gas spark starts leaking, au…

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Cintagon Cintagon 28 October 2023

The Game n' Showcase 2021

The Game n' Showcase is a yearly event hosted by Craig Laurance starting from 2018, It was first hosted in Vancover, Canada in mid-2018, then McKinley, Pennsylvania, USA in early-2019, then finally Miami, Florida in early-2020, It was supposed to be hosted in Brighton, Michigan, USA in mid-2021 but was cancelled due to a disaster, On May 4th, 2021, The building starts to collapse resulting in the deaths of 79 people.

Chronologically, This is the fifth major disaster to happen after the McKinley Speedway pile-up if this was considered official.

  • 1 Disaster
    • 1.1 Premotion
    • 1.2 Real Life
  • 2 Signs/Clues
  • 3 Intended Survivors
  • 4 Unintended Survivors
  • 5 Casualties

Due to the heavy air-conditioning system on the roof, the ceiling always slightly sagged but during the Ev…

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Cintagon Cintagon 28 October 2023

Final Destination 7: System Failure

A fan-made FD sequel taking place in 2021. If you are gonna flag this as candidates for deletion, Please don't, This is clearly fanmade.

  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Deaths
    • 2.1 Premotion Deaths
      • 2.1.1 Premotion 1
      • 2.1.2 Premotion 2
    • 2.2 Real Life Deaths
      • 2.2.1 Pre-Disaster
      • 2.2.2 Northern Bay Highschool Disaster
  • 3 Survivors
  • 4 Alternate/Scrapped
    • 4.1 Alternate/Scrapped Deaths
    • 4.2 Scrapped Plot
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Cite notes

21 years after the explosion of Flight 180, 20 years after the Route 23 pile-up, 15 years after the Devil's Flight derailment and 12 years after the McKinley Speedway pile-up, During The Game n' Showcase 2021, ex-employer Ashley Parks has a premotion of the building collapsing whilst being at the event which kills almost everyone except 11 people, In a panic, She convinces ex-co-work…

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Crit-A-Cola Enjoyer Crit-A-Cola Enjoyer 22 September 2023

Every Final Destination death ranked

There are a total of 37 deaths in Final Destination, not counting premonitions. Those’ll be ranked on their own. In total, i’ll be ranking 42 thingies, so lets get started!!!

  • 1 The Ranking
    • 1.1 Bad Deaths
      • 1.1.1 42nd:
      • 1.1.2 41st:
      • 1.1.3 40th:
    • 1.2 Meh Deaths
      • 1.2.1 39th:
      • 1.2.2 38th:
      • 1.2.3 37th:
      • 1.2.4 36th:
      • 1.2.5 35th:
    • 1.3 Good Deaths
      • 1.3.1 34th:
      • 1.3.2 33rd:
      • 1.3.3 32nd:
      • 1.3.4 31st:
      • 1.3.5 30th:
      • 1.3.6 29th:
      • 1.3.7 28th:
      • 1.3.8 27th:
      • 1.3.9 26th

Alex Browning: Bricked offscreen

The main protagonist of Final Destination 1 should’ve gotten a more spectacular death. But, due to his actor being unable to be in the film, he was resorted to a simple offscreen death. I mean, at least we saw a corpse? I don’t know, man.

Kimberly Corman and Thomas Burke: Shredded offscreen

Well, this one left more up to t…

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John39irnfi0 John39irnfi0 27 July 2023

New compromise for the Flight 180 date issue

So there's a major inconsistency in the Final Destination series regarding the date of Flight 180. The original film and Final Destination 3 indicate 1999, but Final Destination 2 and Final Destination 5 indicate 2000. I myself personally believe the 1999 theory, but there is still a decent amount of evidence for 2000, so both are valid interpretations. I don't think there's any way to know for sure which date is correct unless the filmmakers come out and say so themselves.

So here's a new compromise: Let's acknowledge both possibilities and put both possible dates in the articles. So for example, we change the Flight 180 article from this:

Volée Airlines Flight 180 (also known as Flight 180) was an international flight on a Boeing 747-200B destined…

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A Fandom user 16 June 2023

Alison Harlem

Alison Spines Harlem is a main character who was the 2nd person to die in the FD6 concept

  • 1 Body
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Friends And Family
  • 4 Cause Of Death
  • 5 Premonition Death

Her height is 4”11 foot tall. Her weight is 150 pounds. Her skin color is light. Her hair color is Brown.

She is a mean and snobby person.

Jamison Harlem:Father

Carly Harlem:Mother

Danny Harlem:Brother

Amy Harlem:Sister

Broke Her Spine

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A Fandom user 16 June 2023

Harold Camp

Harold Tree Camp is a main character who was the 1st person to die in the FD6 concept

  • 1 Body
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Friends And Family
  • 4 Cause Of Death
  • 5 Premonition Death
  • 6 Real Life
  • 7 Death
  • 8 Signs/Clues
  • 9 Trivia

His height is 5 foot tall. His weight is 135 pounds. His skin color is caramel. His hair color is Brown.

He is a nice person most of the time but when he is upset I just have to stay be 100 feet away.

Todd Morris:Friend Deceased

Cameron Camp:Father

Ashley Camp:Mother

Erica Cream:Friend

Crushed by burning tree

He was making a steak until Todd Morris asked about the commotion until the cart explodes killing him.

After Erica says the train is going to explode he came out to she what happened he told Todd to come with him but he didn’t. When he got out the train exp…

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A Fandom user 16 June 2023

Final Destination 6 Concept

This is a concept for final destination 6

  • 1 Prologue
  • 2 How The Premonition Started
  • 3 Premonition
  • 4 Real Life
  • 5 Harold Camps Death
  • 6 Alison Harlems Death

A kid named Erica Cream and her 3 friends Devon Reding, Jessica Silva, and George Montón we’re going onto a bus to the train station. While going Erica saw someone reading a book about trains and was on page 13 how trains crash. When they got there the person gave them a ticket to get on train 13 which will take them to Los Angeles.

The train took off and see saw someone named Francis Frank Fire sneaking out the train cart holding a cigarette and a lighter. After he left he lit up the cigarette and started to smoke then a police officer named James Gordon jumped him which made him drop the lighter onto …

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Lakerfan Lakerfan 26 March 2023

Final Destination: The Unkind

Before Final Destination 6 came out, here is a fanfic story about a boy who faces darkness everywhere (and noted that it was not credited to anybody).





It was coming after him.



Evan Becker woke up in his bed in his dorm where his bestie Kevin McFarland finishes up his shower. Evan can feel his breath as something was coming after him in his dreams and panicked. His screams exaggerated over by the time Kevin shows up, completely wet.

Evan was a talented, good-looking boy in collage somewhere in Arizona. He always get involved into studying by the time he went into classrooms by classrooms. Not to mention where his dreams would have been made of. Sometimes.

"You ok there?", he asked.

Evan pan…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 29 October 2022

Horrific horror stories

Eyo! I'm Lostris, a Fandom WIki Representatives working with entertainment communities. Per good tradition, Halloween is the time of year to celebrate the dark side of entertainment, and that's exactly why I'm here!

Rather than just me telling people in a horror-themed blog at the end of the month about why celebrating Halloween is fun and watching horror movies is a whole mood, we'd like the users of our horror communities to be the ones to tell others. You're the experts after all!

As such, I would love it if you could share some of your experiences and insights with me, so I could -- with your permission of course -- quote you in the blog. If you don't know where to start, I'd love to hear more about:

  • Why do you love horror?
  • Why do you work on …
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Unknown43 Unknown43 13 September 2022

Should the date for the original Flight 180 crash be changed?

Regardless of how you feel about it, it does feel like the way the date was presented in Final Destination 5 as 2000 instead of 1999 was an intentional retcon on the part of the filmmakers, so it should probably be honored as such. The North Bay Bridge collapse and Route 23 pileup dates would have to be changed as well, but I think everything else can remain as they were before.

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Lakerfan Lakerfan 31 May 2022

I felt worried...

I've been taking this very seriously throughout the decades and the one thing I could tell about was what really happened a long time ago. I was trying to apologize to TheResidentEvil, and he kept insulting me with the phrases I'm too stressed about. Worst of all, he had ZERO chances of forgiving me. I was only talking about fanfics and reprints not plagiarism for financial gain. Maybe one day this will come to a start. (Also, we were trying to get updates for FD6.)

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180Sideways 180Sideways 13 May 2022

Should the dates for The Final Destination be changed?

Why or why not?

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HappyTobin HappyTobin 4 August 2024

I need a little help with something...

I want to add a quote said by somebody in FD: Dead Hand's Man mentions Alex Browning in his page but I can't seem to find any mention to him in the novel.

Does anyone know which page Alex was mentioned in the novel: Dead Hand's Man?

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180Sideways 180Sideways 28 April 2022

Came across this...

While going though pages randomly, I came across this page; Costi Grisca. This set off red flags in my mind as this wasn't the name of any character in the films, or even in the novels. After I looked through the history, I learned that this user, Grica_irina, had moved the page from Milos Hewetson and had vandalized it. After undoing his edits, I went through the user's history. Turns out the user had a track record of up to a year of vandalizing pages. For example, he was responsible for that Jessica Halperin fiasco. Welp.[1]

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Lakerfan Lakerfan 24 April 2022

FD6 Death ideas

Since FD6 is still in production, which Jon Watts was there, I may have listed some deaths for the film. Note that many deaths are fanmade as is these firefighters are survivors. Before that, I wanted to talk about the premonitional character, Alexa Hartley. She used to be a firefighter along with her partner, Creighton Kerman. She had a premonition of the building that was on fire and she and the team was supposed to be rescuing many innocent victims. It was also took place before FD2, and was promptedly known as "Final Destination 666". Let's look at the deaths.

  • Austin Crowley: Impaled by a flagpole after falling down in Rockwell building.
  • Davis Perkin: Crushed by a giant sign from a fast food restaurant.
  • Lana Quaid: Drowned in the Pacific …
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180Sideways 180Sideways 21 April 2022


I have come closer to finding out to when Death of the Senses takes place.

The year is 2003.

Evidence: Page 350, "To his dismay, the shot the paper had used was from four years before, his mugshot following his arrest for vehicular homicide."

The month is either January or February.

Evidence: Winter month.

One of the days is either January 18 or February 16.

Evidence: Both of these date were when the moon is full.

I apologize if this seems rushed, which it is.

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180Sideways 180Sideways 4 April 2022

Songs of Death that should be nice to hear in Final Destination

The ideals of a song of Death are that it must tie in with the situation. Over the past few months, I have browsed through YouTube to find music that. So far, this is what I have went through:

House of The Rising Sun by The Animals - Reason: Irony for thinking that you cheated death

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head by B. J. Thomas - Reason: Raindrops

Burning for You by Blue Oyster Club - Reason: Litteral burns

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M. - Reason: Feels like a song relating to an opening disaster

Love is (Linda) by Sweet Tuesday - Reason: Another irony song

We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel - Reason: "We didn't start the fire"

Carry on Wayward Son by KANSAS - Reason: Yet another irony song

Spirit In Th…

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180Sideways 180Sideways 21 March 2022

What if it was never January?

In the Final Destination, there is a prop mistake with the article about Samantha Lane's death and a printout about signs of death and the deaths of Pam Smith and Craig Perry. The printout was dated 4/09/2009. The article about Samantha's death was dated 2009/1/08. But what if the 1/08 isn't meant to be a date but instead meant to be a easter egg for the number 180. Based on the fact that three films have the opening disaster take place on the recurring date of May 13, the McKinley Speedway disaster could have taken place on the same date too. But I am uncertain if this is true or not. What do you guys think?

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180Sideways 180Sideways 10 March 2022

Could the phases of the moon help solve the timeline for Death of the Senses?

I know it seems like a stretch, but since the plot of the novel revolves around the phases of the moon, it could help determine when Death of the Senses takes place. Since we know that Death of the Senses takes place around three years after Final Destination, it can either take place in 2002 (when Final Destination takes place in 1999) or 2003 (when Final Destination takes place in 2000).

Update: Death of the Senses takes place four years after Final Destination. (Page 350) It definitely takes place in 2003.

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Lakerfan Lakerfan 4 March 2022

Jon Watts

Two months ago, before began the filming of the 6th film, we finally have our biggest Spider-Man director of all time: Jon Watts. He caught his attention by looking at some sources saying about Lori Evans Taylor writing the film. So he decided to join the party as new producer in his non-directional debut because a new director will be announced soon.

What are your opinions about him? Let me know.

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180Sideways 180Sideways 28 February 2022

Just wondering

Do you guys think it is okay if I created pages for the Final Destination: Wipeout characters since there is enough information in the summary for these characters?

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Unknown43 Unknown43 24 February 2022


I recently did an overhaul of some of the infobox templates. I hope they're better now!

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180Sideways 180Sideways 23 February 2022


I have recently been browsing through the wiki. Based on what I have seen so far, we need to do multiple changes to pages such as:

  • Rewrites and corrections
  • Adding missing information
  • Adding missing categories

Examples of pages that need to be updated:

  • Final Destination (franchise) (Missing information, my fault)
  • Final Destination (novel) (Missing information)
  • Final Destination 2 (novel) (Missing information)
  • Final Destination 3 (novel) (Missing and inaccurate information)
  • Pete Beriev (Missing information, has half of sections that can be filled up)

We also need to remove the fanfic pages done by users such as:

  • Forest Green Rovers
  • Yamikage180
  • Tanya AZian

I have seen their "characters" linked from the blog posts and to categories. These links must be chan…

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Random fan camping Random fan camping 14 February 2022

Question Related To Death's Desing

Okay, so we know that if someone saves themselves from death, death will skip him or her, same if someone saves one of the people on the list, but then the death comes back to kill someone who survived after some amount of time, and we know that Victims can avoid death permantly by stealing someone else's life, and we also know that if one of the survivors is give a birth to a child who should not have been born, or probably one of the survivors is going to get revived, they are also permantly avoid death..

but what if... someone somehow managed to kill someone who wasn't the next person to die on the list (we know that person can't commit suicide, but what if someone else kills that person? by something that truly kill the person withouth…

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PrincessVegeta1000 PrincessVegeta1000 27 January 2022

Who do you like most?

Ashley Freund or Ashlyn Halperin?

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180Sideways 180Sideways 19 January 2022


I will be adding new pages and updating old pages for Final Destination: Death of the Senses and Final Destination: Sacrifice.

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180Sideways 180Sideways 14 January 2022

Hope this stops the trend

Thanks to Unknown43, I have created the category page for the characters to have cheated Death's list in hopes that people would stop saying that "this character was the only one to survive" or "she was the only visionary to survive". Just because the page says that the character survived doesn't mean that they were the only ones to survive. Please read the page before saying that or else.

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KennyHealey420 KennyHealey420 12 January 2022


Hi! my names Gator and my pronouns are in my bio and usually put them on the bottom of my comments! I really like Danganronpa, South Park, FNaF, and Final destination (obviously) I also like drawing and reading and it feels really nice to know other people like final destination as much as me! I also really like Alternative, Hyperpop, Rap, and punk rock music along with the alternative, punk, and scene style if u wanna talk leave a message on my message wall!

-Gator (He/Claw/Guro)

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Lakerfan Lakerfan 1 January 2022

An apology.

A few months ago, I have recently saw the page that caught my attention on doing. Because Final Destination: Wipeout was the one. And because TheResidentEvil was telling me not to make any plagiarisms every time. Because, I swear that I was only looking at the page and not making it. First, I harassed him on Twitter and second he blocked me because of what I've done regarding my wrongdoings. I've been doing so hard and all the recent months I have no choice of doing it.

So I have already decided that I will lose the Wipeout I was working with, move on to different stuff, and make good deeds all the time. This means that I will never harass him again as long as I have to say sorry. 🙇‍♂️ So, TheResidentEvil, will you please forgive me?

Edit 1:…

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180Sideways 180Sideways 13 December 2021

Death of the Senses

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Unknown43 Unknown43 20 November 2021

Wiki adoption

A bit of an impromptu announcement, but after a bit of discussion and consulting with FANDOM staff, me and former thread moderator Lakerfan have successfully adopted the Final Destination Wiki and taken it over from the old group of admins, who haven't been active since 2019 at the latest.

In the time that's passed since that happened, we've nuked most of the spam and fanfiction pages on the wiki and moved some pages to places where they'll fit better in some cases. The major issues are gone, but there's still a lot of work to be done. I'm looking forward to doing some fun things in the wiki in the future alongside everyone else in the community! Peace.

Also I know me marking this as an announcement is kinda late but just ignore that lol

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Unknown43 Unknown43 21 October 2021

New admins

I think this wiki needs to be adopted or something so that we can put new admins in place. The only admin on the entire wiki hasn't been active since 2019 and the wiki rep hasn't done anything here at all. It's pretty necessary too, considering there's a ton of spam and fanon stuff that needs to be cleared out.

But before we contact FANDOM staff, we should decide who the new admins and mods should be. @Lakerfan is the obvious choice, since he's the only active mod and has pretty much carried the whole wiki lately. But ideally, there should be a group of multiple admins that jointly run things on the wiki. That way stuff can be managed more effectively with the extra manpower, and there won't be a power vacuum if any one person goes inactive…

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Kaaaylee2007 Kaaaylee2007 12 July 2021

Audrey Roses

Audrey was impaled by a Pole in the Chest.

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Kaaaylee2007 Kaaaylee2007 11 July 2021

James Brown

He was ran over by an ice cream truck when Bella wasn't looking.

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Kaaaylee2007 Kaaaylee2007 11 July 2021

Rory Davids

Rory says the n word at James and Bella and just walked away when he caught on fire and exploded infront of James and Bella.

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