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Maybe it's supposed to be colder for the machines or whatever.

Ashley, guessing why Yuri keeps the tanning bed room cold.

Ashley Freund is a main character and one of the survivors of the Devil's Flight roller coaster derailment in Final Destination 3. She was incredibly beautiful and she knew it, taking great pride in her seductive appearance.

Ashley was the first survivor of Devil's Flight to die.


Ashley lived in McKinley, Pennsylvania and attended McKinley High School. She and Ashlyn Halperin were two ditzy best friends who were very popular among their fellow classmates, Ashley and Ashlyn cared a lot about each other, as shown in the rain scene when Ashley was giving her phone number to Wendy and Ashlyn covered her head with a notebook instead of covering her own. As stated by Ian McKinley during her and Ashlyn’s funeral, she never did anything bad to any of her classmates and he was adamant that her death was unfair.

Final Destination 3[]

Ashley and Ashlyn visit the carnival for their senior class field trip and win a prize in water game. Short later they boarded the Devil's Flight roller coaster together, also they are harassed by Frankie Cheeks, who was recording them. Before the ride starts Wendy Christensen has a premonition that the ride will crash, killing everyone on board. When she panics a fight breaks out between several other students and Ashley and Ashlyn leave in annoyance, shortly before the ride crashes as Wendy predicted, killing the remaining passengers on board.

Ashley and Ashlyn

Ashley and Ashlyn

Weeks later, Ashley and Ashlyn are at school signing yearbooks when they see a distraught Wendy walking alone in the rain, and they decide to invite her to the tanning salon to help take her mind off Jason, but she declines the offer. Later Ashley and Ashlyn went to the tanning salon. They impatiently wait for Yuri, the manager, to stop yelling on the phone about his boss. Yuri sends them to the room and tells Ashley to throw the drinks away. Ashley dumps Ashlyn’s slushie instead of her’s.


When Ashley and Ashlyn enter the tanning bed room, Ashley leaves her iced beverage on a table, unaware that the VAC machine controlling the tanning beds is right underneath it. Ashlyn decides to turn up the heater, stating that a few degrees won't hurt. Ashley then decides to look through the CD's on a wooden shelf above one of the tanning beds. While doing so, she accidentally pulls the shelf loose.

Ashley tanning

Ashley tanning

Ashley and Ashlyn proceed to undress and lie in their tanning beds. They dance to the song “Love Rollercoaster” as it plays. Over at the desk where Ashley left her drink, it started to condensate and form a small puddle. As the temperature in the room rises, the iced beverage cup starts to condense and begins to drip onto the VAC machine under it, causing it to malfunction, making the beds warmer. After a few minutes, the girls started to sweat, but only Ashlyn noticed. The air was turned on and knocked over a coat rack. Ashley took off her earphones. Ashlyn opened up her tanning bed and went to get up as the coat rack hit the shelf, which fit into the opening in the handle for Ashley's bed and the handle for Ashlyn's bed. Ashley banged her head against the lid of the tanning bed, which was sudden and unexpectedly not opening. The other side of the shelf fit in the now closed lid of Ashlyn's bed, and things started to get toasty.

Ashley Death

Glasses breaking

Ashley started sweating and breathing hard, and her hair was sticking to her head. She was worried that someone was going to have to come in their and help them out. Ashley tried opening her bed again, and burned her hand against the top of the bed. The lights got very bright. Suddenly, Ashley started screaming as she was burning up. She winced panically, struggling to get out of her bed. Ashley tried getting out through the top, but a fan meant to keep the occupant of the bed cool blocked the way. Panicking and burning up, Ashley continued screaming in alarm to get someone's attention. A look of terror on Ashley's face as the glass above her cracks and shatters, which sent thousands of tiny pieces of glass upon her, slicing into her skin. The bottom glass cracked and burst, sending Ashley to the bottom panels, setting her on fire.

Ashley screaming while being burnt alive

Ashley burned alive

While Ashley screams in sheer agony, and shaking violently, the flames melt the flesh everywhere from her body. She looked through the slot but the flames engulfed her. The fire set the entire tanning bed ablaze, with Ashley's blood-curdling scream echoing, as she burnt to a crisp.

Choose Their Fate Death[]

Ashley alternate scene

Ashley trying to escape the tanning bed after Ashlyn passes out.

In the bonus features of Final Destination 3, viewers get to choose the fate of various characters in the film. If the viewer chooses to change the temperature that Ashlyn decides to set, the tanning bed scene will change to the alternative death. In this scene, the events that start the scene are the exact same up until the point where Ashlyn notices that the temperature is too hot.

Ashley being electrocuted in alternate death

Ashley is electrocuted to death instead of being burned alive.

In this version Ashlyn decides to get out earlier while Ashley remains in her bed which leads to Ashlyn getting knocked out by the falling shelf (which was knocked off by the coat hanger). The shelf then slides across the gaps in both beds, locking in Ashley while Ashlyn is unconscious on the floor. As the temperature rises, Ashley tries desperately to escape her tanning bed, pounding on the lid to try and free herself, but only to end up burning her hands each time. Desperately Ashley screams out for help but to no avail as Ashlyn is still out cold. At this point Ashley's skin burnt brown and shiny due to the sweat pouring out of her. A look of terror on Ashley's face as the glass above her cracks and shatters, slicing her face and chest, she lets out a loud shriek of pain.


A terrified Ashley saved by Ashlyn.

Trying to slide through the end of the bed, Ashley screams for Ashlyn for help. Ashlyn finally starts to wake up to the screams of a terrified Ashley which are getting higher and higher, repeating her cry for help. Ashlyn quickly makes it to her feet and pulls the shelf out of the wedge in the tanning bed and opens the lid to a terrified Ashley, with her arms covering her chest and face to protect herself from the heat. Ashley's entire body burnt to a dark brown and her skin shiny with sweat. Ashlyn looks at her in shock of how burnt she, but Ashley just stares back in relief. Ashlyn extends her hand to lift Ashley up, Ashley grasps her hand in relief. As Ashlyn lift her up the extent of her injuries is clear, her chest covered in shards of glass and cuts from that glass. As she is lifted out of the bed the glass under her shatters, exposing the live wires underneath. In an instant Ashley and Ashlyn are electrocuted, frying her brain, as well as her heart. The shock leaves Ashlyn's body on the floor and a steaming, burnt Ashley still in the tanning bed.


Final Destination 3 Ashley And Ashlyn's Death Scene



The over-exposed photograph of Ashley and Ashlyn. The picture also shows how they died.

  • Wendy's photo of Ashley and Ashlyn is overexposed, making it look like they're on fire.
  • In the photo, it almost looks as if the two are screaming.
  • After Ashley wins at the water gun booth, her prize is an inflatable palm tree, which represents the potted palm, which knocked over the shelf, that locks the tanning beds, trapping Ashley and Ashlyn.
  • The water gun booth can be seen as foreshadowing for the smoothie (liquid) that causes the bed's VAC to malfunction.
  • Ashley and Ashlyn listen to Love Rollercoaster before the beds burn.
  • The word "ash" is in her name.
  • Ashley's number written on a piece of a paper lays beside Wendy's overheating lamp.
  • When Wendy is in her room, her lamp's light bursts at the same time Ashley and Ashlyn get incinerated in explosion.
  • Before they could even go to the tanning room, the camera shows a canister containing an alcoholic (flammable) liquid. Causing a fire in the beds.
  • In the opening sequence, there are two women, known as The Electric Sisters, who were electrocuted in their electric chairs, their skins, were overexposed.
  • When Ashley's phone rings it plays a horror tune of The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976).
  • On one of the tanning beds there is a sign that says, "This bed has been cleaned and is ready for tanning. Are YOU?"
  • During the song Love Rollercoaster, you can hear one of the singers says "high!" again and again in the scene where the tanning bed temperature rises higher and higher.
  • The song Love Rollercoaster by The Ohio Players is the subject of a very popular urban legend, where the screams of the model who posed for the band's Honey album cover was heard in the song as she was being stabbed by the studio's owner for threatening to file a wrongful injury lawsuit against them. This legend is false, and while the scream was indeed faintly heard during part of the song, it was in fact caused by microphone feedback.
  • The name of the salon is "Phoenix Tanning Salon". According to mythology, Phoenixes are associated with fire, and arise from their own ashes after death. Quite fitting, considering the girls' first names.
  • Right before their deaths, Wendy leaves a message on Ashley's phone saying "Sorry I was too late" confirming their fates.
  • Frankie tells both girls that they are "smokin' hot".
  • Her last name is German for "friend" and she dies together with her best friend.


  • "Yeah, you graduated like two years ago." - Ashley to Frankie
  • "Maybe it's supposed to be colder for the machine or whatever." Ashley on the low tanning room temperature
  • "Sucks bitch! They got CDs." Ashley to Ashlyn
  • "Ew, Celine! Britney! Are we the only cool people who come here or what?" Ashley to Ashlyn
  • "That's so nice of us." Ashley after inviting Wendy to the Tanning Salon
  • "Wen? we're ready for graduation tonight, we're going to the tanning salon after this, and we are so totally cool if you wanna come with." Ashley inviting Wendy to the tanning salon



Ashley's death in the opening sequence of The Final Destination.


  • Ashley's death (along with Ashlyn's) appears in the opening sequence of The Final Destination.
  • Ashley and Ashlyn are referenced in the opening credits of Final Destination 5 by the tanning bed bulbs breaking on the screen.
  • Ashley looks very similar to Christa Marsh from Final Destination while Ashlyn looks similar to Blake Dreyer, who is also Christa's best friend from the same movie. Also, all of them die by getting burned to death.
  • Ashley and Ashlyn were going to be sisters, according to the direction commentary. This was also mentioned on an early draft of the script: Two fraternal twin sisters, JENNIFER and JESSICA HALPERIN are perfectly tanned wearing low cut spaghetti strap Von Dutch mid drift T's and low riding shorts exposing whale tail.
  • Depending on the choice made during Choose Your Fate, either Ashley or Ashlyn will experience a more painful death.
    • If the alternate death is played, Ashley gets a more painful death as she is trapped in her tanning bed, heating up to painful levels while Ashlyn is knocked out-cold from the falling shelf. The glass above her shatters and the shards slice through her skin. Once Ashlyn hears her cries for help, Ashley is electrocuted to death when the glass below her gives way and she lands onto the live wires, killing Ashlyn too.
    • If the scene plays as normal and the girls are incinerated by the tanning beds, Ashley would have taken off her tanning goggles prematurely while Ashlyn has them fused to her skin and eyeballs. The heat in Ashley’s tanning bed also stops momentarily when the glass below her shatters while the heat continues to boil Ashlyn’s skin until the tanning beds finally catch on fire.
  • The song played during Ashley and Ashlyn's funeral is the same song as the one played during the memorial service of Flight 180 in Final Destination.
  • Ashley and Ashlyn were the only survivors in the franchise to die and get a funeral on-screen.
  • The scene taking place in the tanning booth was a closed set. Only the camera operators were in the same room with Chelan Simmons and Crystal Lowe and black curtains were draped to keep onlookers out.
  • Ashley's surname is derived from Karl Freund, director of ''The Mummy'' (1932) and cinematographer of ''Dracula'' (1931).
  • Ashley was seemingly the leader of the two, with Ashlyn as her follower. This is implicated during a few scenes when Ashley says something and Ashlyn will blindly agree with her or follow her commands, such as when Ashley tells her to look around to see if she's winning during the carnival scene.
  • Ashley was the first female survivor to die first in the series.
  • Ashley is the only female survivor to not have bangs.
  • She and Erin Ulmer are also the only female survivors that are not brunettes.
  • Ashley's zodiac is Libra.
  • In real life tanning beds have on and off buttons inside.
  • Ashley and Ashlyn are the only 2 survivors to die at the same time and are the only deaths to have 2 people to be the first survivors to die.
  • Ashley died a less painful death compared to her best friend Ashlyn. Ashley had fewer burns and cuts on her face due to the tanning machine heater breaking on her face, which didn't happen to Ashlyn.
Final Destination 3
Devil's Flight | Train 081
Wendy Christensen | Kevin Fischer | Perry Malinowski | Julie Christensen | Erin Ulmer | Ian McKinley | Lewis Romero | Frankie Cheeks | Ashlyn Halperin | Ashley Freund
Jason Wise | Carrie Dreyer | Bob | Elle Dana | Jill | Marcus | Scott
Stacy Kobayashi | Veronica | Amber Regan | Ethan | Harry | Ride Attendant | Mr. Christensen | Mrs. Christensen | Yuri | Minister | Jason Wise's brother | Mr. Fischer | Officar Clark | Officar Polanski | Ben Franklin | Payton | Kahill | Laura | Sean | Bludworth | Norman Goldstein
McKinley, Pennsylvania | McKinley Park | High Dive | McKinley High School | Phoenix Tanning Company | Andy's | Build it | McKinley Tri-Centennial