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34th Street is a street in the borough of Manhattan in New York City where a subway station is located. On August 13th in an unknown year, a subway that departed from this station was involved in a multi-train collison in the novel Final Destination: End of the Line, killing numerous people onboard.


For unknown reasons, the conductor of a train abruptly stopped the locomotive during the middle of its route and sends many of the passengers lurching out of their seats. The train sits still for a brief moment until the horns of another train begin to blare from behind. Instead of decelerating, the other train accelerates and crashes into it from behind. The resulting derailment and explosion crushes and incinerates several civilians on both trains in a massive pile-up.


  • While the group are eating in a diner, the vibrations created by the subway passing underneath causes a bottle of ketchup to fall off the table and shatter, creating a mess that presumably resembled a puddle of blood.
  • While entering the subway, Danny sees a shadow of a train hurtling towards a brick wall, ready to crash.
  • Danny sees a homeless crazy pedestrian wearing a sign stating, "Repent Now. Tomorrow is Too Late."
  • Danny runs into an African-American man who tells him, "Kids like you, shouldn't be allowed. Should all be taken out..."
  • Before boarding the train, Danny sees graffiti scribbled onto the side of it reading "DIE MOTHERFUCKERS".
  • Danny sees a young Asian man listening to "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne.
  • Louise finds a copy of Murder on the Orient Express and starts reading it. The book is also the same book Peter's mother read before she died.
  • The train disaster happened on August 13th.



  • An unnamed mother and her child
  • An unnamed elderly woman
  • Two teenage girls
  • An unnamed Asian man
  • Numerous unnamed others (possibly)


  • In his premonition, Danny King notices the subway going through a number of train stations, with 51st Street being the last station the train pulls out of before the collision. In real-life, he gets on the train at 34th Street on the way to the Met Cloisters. This may be an inconsistency, as there are no subway lines in New York City that connect to both stations. While there are several stations at various parts of 34th Street, only the IRT Lexington Avenue Line stops at 51st Street, which does not have service to the Cloisters.